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Alienated American Voters History Essay Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

Read the 1996 article "The Alienated American Voter: Are the News Media to Blame? (Links to an external site.)" by Richard Harwood

Write a 2 page (roughly 620 words) essay addressing these questions: (include word count at end of paper)

According to Harwood, why does the American voter feel alienated?

How is this alienation measured? What are the symptoms?

What is to blame?

Do you think things have changed since 1996? Why?

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Voter turnout in America during the election has drastically decreased. In the years between 1896 to 1920 in America experienced a high decrease in voters' number, the number of voters reduced by 40 percent (WOODARD). Horwood claims that half of the American population does not participate in the Presidential elections, and over 80 percent do not participate in the local elections (WOODARD). According to Harwood, the American voter feels alienated since he fails to understand or see what goes on in the politics surrounding him. Horwood explains that this lack of understanding is what the American newspapers do not report or publish information concerning the political issue that could help American voters understand their environment more. Moreover, Horwood suggests that the average man is always in the back row when it comes to political issues.
According to Lippmann, the American voter is like a deaf spectator who is part of the system but does not understand its works. The average American voter can only Govern in theory, and that Political power is like wealth, usually unevenly distributed (WOODARD). These conditions contribute to the American voter further alienating himself. The American voter alienation can be measured by observing the number of people who cannot name their representatives. Most of the American citizens are more familiar with significant TV personalities as compared to the state representatives. They cannot identify the United States' Chief Justice or the City council members (WOODARD). The level of alienation can also be measured by observing the number of voters that participate in the elections. Furthermore, half of the American population does not vote during the presidential elections, and most do not participate in local elections.
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