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The American Revolutionary War History Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

Hi there, the question prompt should be answered in essay-format and contain a minimum of 5-6 paragraphs. In answering the question, you are required to support your claims with historical evidence and analysis. Overall, your objective, in answering the question, is to “respond/ think like a historian,” meaning your arguments and claims should be supported with evidence from primary and secondary sources. PLEASE PLEASE no online sources. IF YOU MUST USE AN ONLINE SOURCE, PLEASE REPHRASE IT AND AVOID PLAGIARISM. Thank you!

Introduction: The American Revolutionary War brought independence from Great Britain and led to the birth of the United States. It also brought about a new meaning of freedom and liberty; guaranteeing for white, male Americans, the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In the process of establishing freedom and rights for some, the war and its aftermath, also encouraged marginalized members of American and indigenous societies to establish and assert their own definitions of freedom.

Question: Identify and explain the causes of the American Revolutionary War. Examine and explain why several unlikely groups got involved with the war. In your opinion, was this war inevitable or could it have been avoided? Explain your assertion and support your claims with evidence.

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October 9, 2020
The American Revolutionary War
Understanding the societal context of different historical events is essential for any student. It allows him to have a better understanding and appreciation of why an event happened and the motivations that led to its occurrence. In this article, I would like to focus on one of the most momentous events that led to modern democracy's birth – the American Revolutionary War. Specifically, I would like to discuss how several marginalized groups had been involved in the war, despite being the least to benefit from it. Subsequently, I would like to focus on the societal and cultural circumstances that made the war inevitable in the first place. All in all, I believe that by looking at these circumstances, a better appreciation of the birth of modern-day democracy could be gleaned.
The American Revolutionary War
As stated earlier, the American Revolutionary War is one of the events that shaped the idea of a democratic society. It was a point in time when men (notably White Men) had expanded their liberty and freedom away from the clutch of the British Rule. However, despite its focus on the rights of White Men, it could also be argued that this paved the way for the idea of democracy among the marginalized. For example, although feminists' ideologies were not advanced during the war period, the period immediately after it had created the idea of 'Republican mothers,' which provided women some degree of involvement in the society's polity. Because of their patriotism and society'...
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