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Historical Figure: Absolute Rule vs Enlightened Rule

Essay Instructions:

Absolute Rule vs Enlightened Rule-
Research the historical figure Voltaire. MLA format In the essay answer all of the following questions:
1. What were some important events your historical figure was involved in?
2. Why were they involved in these events?
3. What were your historical figure’s goals?
4. How did they attempt to achieve these goals?
5. Were they successful in achieving their goals? Why or why not?
6. What were your historical figure’s religious beliefs? How did these beliefs influence their actions?
7. Based on the answers to the above questions, what trend do your notice about your 
historical figure’s actions and motivations? For example, does this person mostly focus on religion? Does this person’s focus emphasize the arts or philosophy? Is this person a king or warrior?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Voltaire, aliased as François-Marie Arouet, was born in 21st November 1694 in Paris France. He was one of the greatest poets, philosophers and dramatists and who was an aggressive and outspoken enemy of injustice. He composed a large number of plays, stories, and lyrics as patently philosophical tracts. Further, he coordinated a hefty portion of his basic compositions against the philosophical demands of perceived scholars, for example, Descartes, Malebranche, and Leibniz. He was, in any case, an incredible guard of natural science concepts that served in his brain as the antitoxin to vain and unbeneficial philosophical examination (Voltaire and Davenport 61). In clearing up the new diversity between philosophy and science, Voltaire pointed cutting edge logic down a few ways that took along these lines.
He firmly supported social and political reforms. Furthermore, he was a crusader who was against all forms of injustices, cruelty, war and intolerance. Through his philosophical writings and poems, he was able to pass a vast amount of knowledge to the people in France. Besides, he wrote lots of literary forms, including plays, historical writings, poetry, novels, essays, stories, pamphlets, more than 2000 letters, and book reviews (Andrews). Through his writings, he criticized both the church and the king, which made him live a life of fear of being put behind bars. During his lifetime, trenchant compositions assaulting the church, or government were frequently credited to him whether he had thought of them or not. A long lasting champion of poor people and oppressed, he composed against oppression and religious abuse with unmatched boldness. Pertaining the church, he represented the biblical past to rest on his belief in the human power of reasoning and advanced civilization and culture (Pomeau).
During his time, a disastrous earthquake in 1755 struck Lisbon. He wrote a poem about the event. Other events occurred in the following years, including the outbreak of a war in Germany, which lasted for about seven years in 1756. English...
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