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Contemporary World History: 1760 to the Present Research

Essay Instructions:

This is a final essay separated into two parts: the 19th century, and the 20th century. First half should be as follows:
How did the Industrial Revolution affect economics, geopolitics, society and ideologies in the 19th century? 
Template (suggestion) 
I. Introduction: The Industrial Revolution 
II. Background: The French Revolution and the British Industrial Revolution in the late 18th century 
III. Comparison 
A. Europe: Western Europe and Russia
B. Americas: The USA and Latin America
C. Asia: India, the Ottoman Empire, China and Japan 
D. Interior Africa and Frontiers (Australia, American West, etc.) 
IV. Ideologies
A. Liberalism
B. Nationalism
C. Socialism 
V. Conclusion: From Late 19th century to before WWI
A. Economic Globalization (technologies)
B. Society (migration, etc). 
Part 2:
IV. 20th Century 
a. First Half
1. WWI and its aftermath: Communism (command economy)/ Feminism
2. The global impact of the Great Depression / protectionism 
3. The rise of fascism and World War 2 
b. Second Half
1. The Cold War and decolonization
2 The rise of (recovery) of Asian economy 
3. BRIC: Brazil, Russia, India and China 
V. Conclusion: the impact of industrialization
1. The cycle of globalization 
2. The Information Revolution? and its impact? 
The sources are the books:
Bulliet, et al., The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, vol. 2 since 1500 (Advantage). 
Kenneth Pomeranz, Worlds Together, Words Apart: A Companion Reader, vol. 2. 
Adrian Forty, Objects of Desire: Design and Society Since 1750. 
Footnotes will be needed.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
History of Industrial Revolution
It is an era when there were developments in agriculture, economics, transport, education and social structures changed dynamically. Several economic activities changed in England with expansions in sectors of the economy, social formation, and political developments. It dates back to the years of 1760 to 1850. In Overall, there were increased supply of food, manufacturing of textiles that were set up in business centers and towns. Later in the eighteenth-century iron companies were developed accompanied by accomplishments in production. During this same period mining of coal began to provide energy for industries.[Industrial revolution focused on iron and other metallic developments. The drivers were coal and steam technology as sources of powers.]
Industrial revolution was significant to countries in diverse ways as it played a role of redefining landscapes of change. Summarizing the benefits in one idea is not simple and that is why exploring several aspects are important; how it affected England and France, comparisons on different developments in countries, and the ideologies that it changed. Most of these effects were evident in the 19th century.
Industrial revolution fueled most development activities in Britain and France. In France, it is recorded that it began in 1779 and ended after a decade. Their primary focus was to change their old system of governance and institutions. Unlike other countries, it was not driven by the government in place but by the people themselves. It was a lesson to the entire world how people could have influence in the type of government and leadership they wanted for their prosperity. It is this period that was full of death caused by political instability with 17000 people reported to have lost their lives in the struggle. Later they adopted a constitutional system of government that transformed the country from a monarchial type of governance to a capitalist system. They created a legislature during the rise of Napoleon to foster their agenda.[]
In Britain their agenda was for economic reform not administrative changes. The reign of a queen had stabilized the governmental system. Their primary focus was an industrial revolution which boosted their economic power. During the period of the late 18th century and early 19th century they advanced in technological innovations which improved their economic system. Agriculture, industrial investments, and lifestyles changed.[More technological advancements happened in the late 19th century and 20th century. Huge machines were reduced to smaller ones by simplified mechanical parts.]
Agriculture changed in the tools used, application of fertilizers for better produce, and new farming methods were introduced to increase yields. The returns were agricultural prosperity, which increased the county’s economy and growth. As this progressed, they mined coal which was a primary source of power for industries. With their advancing technology mining of coal was boosted to ensure an increase in the industrial revolution. Examples of industries developed during this time were textile industries. The country had to find out how they would influence other nations. They resorted to exporting their products to foreign countries. Such a move was increased demand for textile and other products from their industries.
In the entire of Europe Britain and France were the real examples of the industrial revolution. As French was the source of governmental revolution, Britain focused more on economic and industrial changes2. Their investments influenced the world and gave them a boost in political, economic and social life. With the increasing populations in these countries, they could enhance care for the increase and find solutions for unemployment problems that were teething in the country (Pomeranz et al, 7).
A comparison of Russian and Britain’s industrial revolution points to some similarities and differences. A similarity exists in the time when they started but differs much in the accomplishments (Pomeranz et al., 7). In Russia, they exported grains to other countries like Britain and France. It developed trade relationships that would have improved their economic growth, but a problem existed in governance. Land acquisition was unfair, and a majority of people ended up lacking farmlands while a selected few benefited from the trades. The gains from these trades were not shared equally neither did they use them for their countries help. Other countries used their returns to expand their businesses and built huger industries, an example which was not emulated by Russia. A change in governance allowed in some other investors to come to Russia. Foreigners established industries within Russia which were a boost to industrialization prospects in Russia. That is why all the industries in Russia are foreign-owned.[Russia and Britain were different in their revolutions because of their systems of government. Britain was capitalist while Russia was a socialist system. The capitalist focused on more capital for investments while socialist needed more time for their communal investments.]
The industrial revolution in America was as a result of the change in method of production from hand to a factory and machine-aided. At the end of the eighteenth century, Samuel Slater turned the revolution by bringing in new technologies into use. America became urban dwellers during this period when they changed to a one system of government called the United States of America. Compared to Latin America mainly Brazil and Mexico enjoyed a speedy industrialization. Other countries in Latin region were not in this inclusion and later remained to be called third world countries in America. The factor here is the speed with which these countries developed. Latin America, they had devised policies called protectionist policies to steer their development agenda. It protected their local industries from external pressure by ensuring that what they produced was in the market and gains used in building more industries.[Countries in Latin America had their lines of investments depending on how democratic and development oriented their governments were. Some governments worked faster than others to change the shape of the countries. Others could not manage a faster pace of development and moved slowly.]
In the United States of America, they had a two system of industrial revolution. First is the development of spinning and sewing machines and technology. Their development was steered by an act of parliament called Embargo that enhanced industrial-urban development. To fully reach their development they devised a three system of development starting with transport then electricity generation and finally industrial development. It ensured they developed smoothly after they had drawn a line for the same. Their plan worked swiftly compared to Latin America.
A contributing factor to the differences that were observed in Latin America was as a result of competitive wage provision. Other countries had labor strife and standoffs that drew them back compared to other nations. The countries that had a systematic way of development were Uruguay and Chile
India had the highest quality of industrial products during their times. Most of their products were exported to Europe through a route in western India. It faced problems when Europe got industrialized and could not import more products from them. They had to seek a solution to this menace. They also became ineffective in trade and an exchange was to be found by their business partners. Later on, they depended on the steam engine invention in Europe to use for their companies to redesign their productions. Its significant contribution was to expand the Britain’s market for their manufactured products. Britain exploited it to an extent that its economy dropped.
Ottoman Empire is in history as one of the empires that served in Turkey. It was a threat to the expansion of the influence of Europe. It expanded the boundaries and created a hurdle for the trade that the Europeans had started in Europe. Their enormous wealth was significant for development and the extension of their empire. To dismantle it the European countries had a great task which they wanted to use for expansion of their growth.
In China and Japan had closed links with other states and were under the little influence of industrial revolution. They were isolated but, later on, there was a lot of pressure that they develop trade relations with other countries. Because of their humble nature in technology and military, they bowed to pressure to sign treaties with America and Europe for development. After signing these agreements, there were still differences that drew differences between their modes of trade. As China accepted the trade, no foreign merchants enjoyed privileges while Japan could take them. They became accommodative to accept their demands and developed proper trade operations. The result was faster invention and industrialization in Japan compared to China. The knowledge and interest were different with Japan having more knowledge and better relations than China. China, therefore, was expected to acquire little influence from industrialized countries.[China and japan developed in similar fields of industrialization and manufacturing. Their major focus was on electronics that they have exported to other countries. Their countries are not in better topographies to support agriculture and that explains why they have focused on industrialization for the economy. Trade therefore becomes a major part of their economic growth.]
In the interior of Africa, most of the industrial activities were a result of missionary work and colonization. After expansion, the countries took over leadership and decided to develop their systems. Education, manufacturing and agriculture are growing though at a slower pace. Systems of government have slowed down their development agenda. Corruption has been a problem and that is why their countries develop at slower rates. In Australia, they have focused much in agricultural revolution. In conclusion, different countries have had different ways of developing their systems. Their interests lead some; some are influences as some are slow. The pace will depend on the steps that are set up to ensure this development.
Industrial revolution formed the major ideology for most countries. Due to the evolution intents industrial revolution, several changes have been brought by these amendments. Some states have acquired different systems of governance as some have developed different ones. Countries like America developed a liberalism kind of government. The Americans believe that the government should spend capital and funds to develop their systems of rules. They got united as a single entity to foster one agenda in development. In Britain, they promoted nationalism and other African states. They encourage their development plan from the national front. In Asia and other affiliated countries, they have a socialist system of government. Their main agenda is formulating the means of affording their development. The community or people will own their agenda.[The type of governments that a country sets up will dictate how they develop and the pace. Capitalist systems are much better for they focus on more opportunities for investments.]
There were several developments that countries have achieved industrial revolution from the onset. More trade relations have been built, and products can get sold in different countries. From its origins, agricultural developments were the main agenda of various countries.
France was an example of an n administrative revolution. They changed to a capitalist system from a monarchial system. Their efforts were huge, though with the loss of lives. In Britain, they were focused on agricultural, economic and industrial developments. Their mission was improved by the availability of resources like coal and land for cultivation. Developing trade relations with other countries was essential for their development. In turn, they influenced other nations for the same. Before the events of world war, there have been strong foundations set up to boost security by military developments.
In other countries the factors that improved development were different depending on their government and resources they had. Such an example is observed in Latin American countries and the United States of America. Their agenda were accomplished in different ways. America believed in uniting all their states while Latin American countries were self-dependent. It is an indicator of how governance can be significant for a country’s growth.
Through influence, there has been a spread of technology around the world from one state to another. The development of trade relations between two or more countries led to an exchange of technological development from one country to the other. China and Japan are examples of countries that developed by the same system. Colonization of African nations contributed to development activities in most countries. There were exchange of ideas and technological improvements from the colonizers.[Influence by other countries is a two way benefit. It is not just the convinced country but also the convincing country that benefits. The convincing country moves after they consider all the chances of their benefits, it is not a business in futility.]
The society has been changed from one to the other. People have had migrations from rural to urban centers and vice versa. It is as a result of urban development and industrialization as has been noticed in several countries. The urban development has also improved agricultural production in the rural areas to supplement the dwellers in towns. In countries that did not accept these events, at first, they took a longer time to reach the levels that they are currently. Government systems are also critical in the pace of development. Most countries where corruption...
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