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Why Do People Smoke and Why Don't They?

Essay Instructions:

Why do people smoke?

If I were to ask you just as lay people, why do people smoke? Or why don’t they smoke? What would you say?

Provide a list of reasons

Which of the different theoretical perspectives on health behavior that we covered in class and in readings best fit your list of reasons?

Be sure to briefly summarize the theory you are discussing in your answer. 

Content: Your response should be thoughtful and should reference the assigned readings as directed by the prompt. The best strategy for answering these is to make sure youdirectly respond to all aspects of the prompt or prompts. Your answer should not be a short one or two sentence “short answer” response. It should be more considered than that, containing specific arguments and examples drawn from the readings, lecture material, or your own experiences. Some prompts will require you to compare and contrast readings, relate readings to contemporary events, or detail and recount the argument of a specific reading. Your responses should be around 500 words.

Here is the google drive link of optional reading's pdf. https://drive(dot)google(dot)com/file/d/1nai-iiqeA-weseCAdC7O0v9X5SwV4YX_/view?usp=sharing

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Why do people smoke?
Smoking can be expressed as an act of inhaling and exhaling fumes of burning plant material which may include Marijuana, Hashish, and Tobacco. However, this act is usually associated with tobacco and can be smoked in a cigar, cigarette, or pipe. Tobacco contains nicotine which is addictive and has stimulating, sedating, and tranquilizing effects (Hennengfield, n.p). To smoke or not smoke is usually a personal decision; however, some reasons influence the decision.
Top on the list is peer pressure and is common in adolescents who feel social pressure in various ways. Children start to assert independence and exploring their identity during their pre-teen and teen years. They crave the approval of their peers and often worry about being rejected (Benitez, n.p). The same applies to smoking, and most teenagers find themselves doing it just because their peers are doing it and thinking it is incredible.
If one was born and raised in a family where parents were smokers, it is likely to start the habit. Adolescents are more likely to smoke when their father and mother smoke (Alves et al. 339). Parents' behavior and their relationship with their children will influence how they behave. Social class also plays a role here when the parent thinks it is cool to smoke in front of their kids to avoid being "uptight parents."
Media plays a significant role in portraying powerful messages that can easily influence one to smoke. Young people are enthusiastic about media and will do almost anything being shown without second-guessing (McCool et al., n.p). Most of the adverts displayed bring out smokers as healthy, energetic, sexy, and prosperous and can cause many people, especially young people, to start smoking. 
Some people smoke due to specific genetic factors. Genetic and environmental factors may influence smoking initiation. A study has shown that a co...
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