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Positive Impact of UNICEF USA to Children's Lives

Essay Instructions:

For this speech YOU MUST FOLLOW MONROE'S MOTIVATED SEQUENCE for your speech format.

Speech Title


Specific Purpose:   To persuade my fellow classmates that _____________________________

I.  Introduction -- ATTENTION

     A.  Grab attention of audience members

            B.  Introduce the topic of the speech – What problem will you be explaining?

            C.  Audience relevance – Why should they listen?

      D.  Credibility – Why should they believe you?

     E.  Thesis and preview of main points 

II. Body

  A.  Main Point #1 -- NEED

                  1. Description of problem

                  2.  Extent of problem

                  3. Who is affected

(Transition to Main Point #2

B.  Main Point #2 – SATISFACTION

1. Description of solution

2. How solution satisfies needs

3.  How solution is put into effect -plan of action

(Transition to Main Point #3)

         C.  Main Point #3 – VISUALIZATION (Should begin with “Imagine if…”)

1. Description of expected positive results of action

2. Description of expected negative results of inaction

(Transition to Conclusion)

III. Conclusion – ACTION

  1. Summary of main points (need/ satisfaction/ visualization)
  1. Call to action – Emphasize exactly what the audience should do to solve this problem
  1. Closing Statement – End with a memorable statement (quote, statistic, reminder of introduction, etc.)
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
UNICEF USA Organization
Attention Getter: Do you know that the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) of the United States of America (USA) has continually supported about 168 million students worldwide who are unable to go to schools due to lockdowns that have been implemented to reduce the spread of COVID-19 (UNICEF)? Problem Statement: UNICEF is an organization that helps the most disadvantaged adolescents and children. Indeed, it protects the rights of all children in the world by providing developmental or humanitarian aid to them.
Audience Relevance: The coronavirus pandemic has affected children’s education since many schools have closed due to the government directives to control the spread of the disease.
Credibility: UNICEF did not start helping children during the COVID-19 pandemic, but the organization has been there, impacting children’s lives positively through toilet training, sleeping, providing clean drinking water, and protecting children in war-ravaged countries like Syria and eastern Ukraine.
Thesis Statement: UNICEF supports and safeguards children’s rights, and it appears whenever young people need help.
Main Point #1: UNICEF USA protects children’s rights in 190 territories and countries. The organization has improved children’s lives and that of their families for over 70 years.
Problem Description: Specifically, it has treated 2.6 million children from severe acute malnutrition, immunized 4.7 million children, helped to educate 5.9 million children, provided safe drinking water for 35.3 million individuals, and offered psychosocial and counseling support to 3.1 million children (Ferguson).
Extent of Problem: UNICEF USA defends children’s rights in their entire lives and assists these young people in fostering their proper growth and development. For instance, UNICEF seeks to assist children in Jordan who are encountering shortages of resources due to the significant challenges that emanate from unpredictable winter conditions where temperatures drop to zero, and devastating wind occurs accompanied by heavy rain. The COVID-19 pandemic has decimated livelihoods and severely impacted resources, leaving families to live in abject poverty.
Who is Affected: According to UNICEF, over 64,000 children in Jordan are at risk, including Syrian refugees. Jordan struggles to accommodate over 650,000 Syrian refugees and tens of thousands from other countries (Arrieta). In the winter of 2020, UNICEF managed to help more than 80,000 children in the country with warm clothes and provided money to help those young people cope with the harsh weather. The organization launched a Winter Children’s Appeal and set aside $6 million to help children cope with challenges that they face during winter in Jordan (Arrieta). For example, in 2012, Modhi and Mariam fled Raqqa in Syria with their sons, Ahmad, 2-years-old, and Abdullah, 1-year-old, to Jordan. Mariam says that the primary challenge that the family encounter is keeping the children warm during winter. The house they reside in has a leaking roof and no source of heat. Many are the times when their children become sick due to cold (Arrieta). Such children and others in Jordan who struggle to survive are the targets of UNICEF. UNICEF tries to reach out and helps every vulnerable child in the world.
Main Point #2: UNICEF USA intervenes to help children in every corner of the world. When it comes to children’s affairs, the organization has always come forward.
Problem Description: Young people encounter various challenges, particularly when they live in abject poverty, have limited access to medicine and education, experience unpredictable winter harsh weather conditions like in Jordan, and go for days without eating or getting clean drinking water. Children are the future of any country, and without them, a nation has no hope for a better tomorrow.
Extent of Problem: In that case, their needs should be prioritized so that they c...
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