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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Nurses over worked

Essay Instructions:
Look through newspapers, magazines, and ASUTR’s library links, such as Issues and Controversies, to find issues that you feel strongly about. What I want you to do is not review the article but state your opinion using an argumentative thesis statement. When stating your viewpoint, incorporate quotes from your various sources such as the newspaper, magazine, or Internet while incorporating the MLA formatting guidelines. Hint, the closer you follow the MLA guidelines for documentation, the better your grade will likely be. The minimum requirements for this assignment are 1 ½ pages, (DOES NOT INCLUDE WORKS CITED PAGE), Times New Roman 12, and two sources. I recommend using www(dot)purdueowl(dot)com for the MLA formatting guidelines. 2. This is a formal paper so you cannot use the words you, it, there; do not start sentences with coordinating conjunctions (and, or, but, nor, for, so, yet); and do not use contractions such as can’t. Of course, these rules do not apply to anything that is a direct quote. 3. Now that you are finished, go back and check to see if your paper has a thesis and your topic sentences emphasize your thesis (in other words make sure what you are writing matches your thesis statement). Also, make sure that your paper is free of comma splices, fused sentences, fragments, and that your subject(s)/verb(s) agree. In addition, you need to check for all possible mistakes that are listed in your Handbooks for Writers. 4. Make copies or turn in the original articles--WITH THE MATERIAL YOU USED IN YOUR PAPER UNDERLINED OR HIGHLIGHTED--that you have quoted in your paper. If you do not turn in your research, your paper will be reduced 15 points. 5. You also need to turn in a typed outline with the final paper (Not Required for the Rough Draft) or you will receive a 10-point reduction. 6. Good luck and remember that good writing is rewriting. Total Points Possible -- 100 Final paper 25 Peer/Rough Draft 125 Possible Points 7. The Rough Draft is due Week 9 Mon., March 11 (MW Classes) and Thurs. March 12 (TR and INTERNET Classes) by 11:59 pm. 8. Final Draft is due Week 12 Wed. April 3 (MW Classes) and Thurs. April 4 (TR
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name Tutor Course Date Overworking Nurses The persistent issue of work overload in the healthcare sector has remained emotive due to its impact on the practitioners, the patients, and the facilities’ reputation. Nurses emerge as some of the most affected victims, with trends demonstrating that their workload significantly increased since the COVID-19 pandemic (Edwards). Although advocates have campaigned for sustainable solutions for years, the problem persists due to the government’s and other responsible players’ minimization or slowed response. As a result, many news sources have investigated the continued ramifications of this challenge, isolating it as an aspect that demands urgent attention. The truth is that stakeholders should address work overload in nursing to prevent diverse adverse complications and poor health outcomes. Although some critics feel that the current nursing population can withstand the workload demands, overburdening these healthcare providers limits the quality of care delivery. For instance, the news article by Edwards reveals that nurses are finding it cumbersome to administer care for numerous patients concurrently, leading to a diminishing perception of services. The author states, “While you’re addressing the person who is very sick or demands your attention immediately, your other patients start to feel a little blown off and neglected” (Edwards). Such outcomes arise because overworking requires a nurse to care for many patients. As a result, nurses’ only option is to ration their care, leading to other issues such as omitting some necessary care protocols, implementing partially, or delaying them (Maghsoud et al. 2). Such actions translate to poor health ...
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