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How can Color Blindness be Corrected?

Essay Instructions:

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Essay 1

Overview and Goals:

As part of this course, we have begun to explore some of the basic scientific concepts associated with colour. As we learn more about the physical phenomena related to colour and the process of sensing, measuring, and creating colour, this is an opportunity for you to do some independent research and reflect more deeply on these important ideas.

First, look over the list of concepts which are presented in the next page and generate a scientific question that you have always wanted to explore. This can include a wide range of potential questions, such as “Why is the sky blue?” and “How do chameleons change colours?”.

Next, collect a wide range of reputable sources that will help you answer this question. Note that primary sources should be preferred over secondary ones, so make an effort to discuss the original source of the information, such as the journal article or report. The main goals of this assignment are to perform a thorough literature review, correctly synthesize what you have learned about your chosen topic, demonstrate knowledge of the material, and effectively convey this information to the reader.

The final part of this essay is to reflect and expand upon what you have learned:

• Was this question fully answered by science? If not, which areas are being actively researched?

• What are two related questions that you wish to explore after answering the original question? Why did you pick those two questions in particular?

• Discuss one instance where your research has changed your previous understanding of colour

Topic Signup: Once you have decided on a specific question, you will need to make a post to the discussion forum after checking to make sure a similar topic has not already been chosen. You may modify your topic afterwards by writing a follow-up comment to your original post. Format: The written portion of the essay will have a length of between 3 to 5 single-spaced pages.

Supplementary plots or figures may only be attached as a separate appendix, with a maximum length of 2 additional pages.

Include a title page listing your name and your chosen question. You can select your preferred reference format, so long as that format is applied consistently throughout the report.

Make sure to include both in-line citations and a list of references.

Use your own words and avoid including quotations unless they are necessary.

Submit the report to the provided drop box on Canvas. It is your responsibility to ensure that the file is in a Canvas compatible format, such as a docx or a pdf file.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Course Number
Color Blindness: How can Color Blindness be corrected?
Almost everyone “color-blind” could see colors, but they have difficulty discerning between them. Color blindness affects individuals in different ways: most can’t tell the difference between greens and reds, others cannot tell the difference between yellows and blues, and a small number has monochromatism, which means they can only see white and black. Although most individuals learn to live with color blindness that is transmitted down from generation to generation has no treatment. Kids with color blindness may require assistance with various instructional tasks, while adults with color blindness may not perform some jobs, such as piloting or designing graphics. Color blindness, for the most part, does not cause significant issues.
Color blindness is a hereditary disease characterized by a variation in how one or even more light-sensitive cells in the eye’s retina react to different hues. These units (cones) detect light wavelengths and allow the retina to differentiate between shades (Salih et al., 8). Color blindness can result from a variation in responsiveness in one or more cones. If another health concern causes a human’s color blindness, the practitioner will address the underlying illness. If the patient takes a medication that induces color blindness, the practitioner may reduce the dosage or recommend switching to a new drug (Salih et al., 8). If color blindness interferes with daily duties, there are equipment and technologies that can help.
The eye can sense color in the visible spectral range between 380 and 780 nanometers, and normal human color vision can discriminate between many million multiple colors. Cones are much more than five million receptors in the visual system that detect the color of light entering the eye (Salih et al., 4). Three types of cones can be distinguished based on the sensitivity range of their photopigments. L cone or Protos (sensitive to long wavelengths: red colors), M cone or Deuteros (delicate to medium wavelengths: green colors), and Scone or Tritos (sensitive to blue colors: short wavelengths) are their names (delicate to Short wavelengths: the blue colors).
The capacity of the viewer to recognize colors (color recognition) and discern between somewhat diverse hues is referred to as color vision capability or color discrimination. The color discrimination of a “normal” person is described as normal color vision (Salih et al., 9). Whenever some or all of the cone’s responsiveness capabilities vary substantially from the regular group illustrated above, color vision impairment and color blindness ensue. As a result, color recognition and color bias abilities are altered (reduced). Various forms of color blindness and color vision loss can be selected depending on their genetic origins and properties (Badawy et al., 11). Deuteranomaly, Deuteranopy (short “Deutan”) or Protanomaly, Protanopy (short “Protan”) are the most frequent in the red and green regions.
Colorlite has invented and manufactured color blind glasses with a specific covering that improves color vision. The treatment can be used to repair any red-green color vision problems or color blindness, all but the most extreme. A carefully constructed filter can be employed to correct this flaw (Salih et al., 4). The goal of this filter is to change the Middle wavelength light intensity entering the eye in a somewhat manner that vision-impaired color receptors detecting the altered spectrum convey the identical signal to the visual nervous system as regular receptors perceive the unmodified entering light.
The filter must be efficient in the middle wavelength. The impairment is present while causing the slightest disturbance in the long- and short wavelength ranges, where the color perception defective individual’s receptors are typical (Badawy et al., 11). Consequently, the visual input approaches natural color vision considerably more closely than ever. From the perspective of color vision, the capacity of personal cones to adjust can be construed as if the acuity component of the receptors is transitioned (Salih et al., 9). For example, in a case where the ability of the receptors raises their responsiveness when the inbound value is weak and reduces their responsiveness when the inbound input is high.
Several individuals w...
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