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Emanuel’s Justifications for Refusing Medical Tests and Values on Life

Essay Instructions:

Michael Enright, the host of the CBC Radio show The Sunday Edition, introduced his guest Dr. Ezekiel J. Emanuel on December 7, 2014 by saying:
Ezekiel J. Emanuel, at age 57, has an unusual ambition, a hope, really. He wants to die when he is 75. He doesn't have a terminal illness. And he has no plans to commit suicide. He leads an active, productive life. He recently climbed Mount Kilimanjaro with two nephews. But come 2032, he will, without any fuss, refuse all [medical] tests and treatments. He will allow his body to take its natural course. He is very serious about his intentions. In fact, he argues that 75 is a good age for most of us to die. Dr. Emanuel is one of the most renowned and esteemed physicians in the United States. An oncologist, he is currently the Chair of Medical Ethics and Health Policy at the University of Pennsylvania. He has received dozens of awards from organizations such as the National Institutes of Health and the American Cancer Society.
The interview followed an article that Emanuel wrote for the Atlantic entitled “Why I hope to Die at 75.” Enright – and most of the people who read this article – wanted to know why he chose the age of 75 to die. When reading Emanuel’s article, however, you will notice that he doesn’t actually say he wants to die when he is 75. He says that in 2032 he will stop having annual medical check-ups and he will refuse all medical tests and treatments.
Emanuel’s Atlantic article is available on CANVAS under the “Course Reserves” tab.
For this assignment you will write a 5-8 page response paper that compares Ezekiel J. Emanuel’s justifications for deciding to refuse all medical tests and treatments after reaching 75 with Barry Glassner’s claim that individuals making independent life-plans concerning their health do so “for profoundly social reasons.” In his chapter, “In the Name of Health” (available on CANVAS under the “Course Reserves” tab), Glassner observes that “people decide to alter their appearance not at indiscriminate points in
their lives but most commonly when their social circumstances are changing.” Although Glassner is focused on figuring out why people set out to improve their bodies through activities such as bodybuilding, weight loss programs, and cosmetic surgery, he shares with Emanuel an interest on how society imposes certain specific values and consequences for why individuals should “improve their bodies” (in Glassner’s case) or make decisions about whether or not they have become a “burdens” upon family and society (in Emanuel’s case).
Be sure, in your essay, to include answers to the following questions:
How does refusing medical tests and treatments pose a threat to Emanuel’s – or anyone’s – health from a biomedical perspective?
What are the reasons Emanuel provides for the values he places on living – and life in general – appropriate for healthy living in the 21st century?
2a. In what ways are the reasons Emanuel provides for the values he places on
living life different – and similar – to the reasons Glassner provides for why
people set out to improve their bodies through activities such as bodybuilding,
weight loss programs, and cosmetic surgery?
2b. Also consider whether Emanuel’s and Glassner’s arguments apply to
everyone. Is refusing all medical tests and treatments after reaching age 75 or
taking up activities such as bodybuilding, weight loss programs, and cosmetic
surgery things that everyone should consider – or just some people?
(Provide reasons for your answer to this question!)
3 What roles do bodily dys-appearance and eu-appearance play in
Emanuel’s and Glassner’s arguments?
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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Concept Paper: Response to Emanuel’s Justifications for refusing to take Medical tests and dying a Natural death
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Concept Paper: Response to Emanuel’s Justifications for refusing to take Medical tests and dying a Natural death
Refusal to take medicine or go for treatment is a controversial aspect in contemporary medical society. The great deal in the discussion is whether the process is valid or affects human life and stability. According to different legislative parameters, adults have the right to their own life regardless of age (Frenkel, 2013). The decisions regarding one’s life depend on them; however, some activities leading to natural death can be identified as suicidal. The decision to stop different kinds of medications should rely on valid and justified reasons. In the recent past, there has been an increasing trend where individuals without significant reasons decide to embrace natural death. Based on the natural death act, there are only a few circumstances upon which the client can adequately decide to refuse medical treatment, for instance, whenever they are in unmanageable pain (Frenkel, 2013). The paper probes a case study of Ezekiel Emanuel, a 57-year-old man who wishes to die naturally. However, his actions are compared to that of Glassner, who significantly argues about the process of natural death. The paper focuses on different aspects and concepts to answer specific questions related to the case study.
1a. Refusing to Medical Tests and Treatment, and Emanuel’s health
Refusing medical tests and treatments pose threats to Emanuel or any individual who may go through the same process from a biomedical perspective. Biomedical tests are essential for everyone’s health since they assist in determining specific infections. Emanuel’s age is critical; thus, his immunity has also reduced; therefore, ignoring the process renders his health in danger since he is not sure of the infections that he may have. Additionally, from a biomedical perspective, refusing to take medicine poses threats since it may lead to strong bacterial growth and infection maturity. It is always essential to determine a disease at the early stage and minimize its impacts. However, from Emanuel’s case, his conditions may worsen, thus leading to adverse impacts on his health which may terminate his life at an early age.
Refusal to take medical tests and treatments may also pose threats to anyone or Emanuel by reducing their chances of immunity development. Immunity depends on the lifestyle of an individual. It can only grow after one is tested and advised on specific meals. However, it is not easy to understand the immunity level of Emanuel; therefore, it is not easy to monitor their immunity development. Additionally, it must be noted that at the age of Emanuel, it is necessary to actively participate in body stabilization strategies which are determined by the medical tests; therefore, ignorance observed in the case study jeopardizes Emanuel’s condition of is critical and poses critical threats to his life.
1b. Emanuel’s Values on life and living
Emanuel provides different reasons valued for healthy living in the 21st century regardless of his sober decision of natural death. Emanuel claims that for healthy living, it is necessary to actively participate in the exercise. From the case study, Emanuel goes to Mt. Kilimanjaro; this is to show that he considers exercise as the key value to health. The value is appropriate for living in the 21st century (Emanuel 2014). It must be noted that any activity which is conducted within the contemporary medical field should be in line with different medical stability. In the 21st century, there are many transformations, including the foods that are consumed. Therefore, exercise is a critical component that must be embraced for healthy living. Active exercise is essential since it promotes biological health as well as social health. It must be noted that with the consideration of exercise, one’s social appearance is also impacted. It promotes an active interaction and mental growth of an individual. Therefore, the value of exercise, as portrayed by Emanuel, is critical and should be sustained in the century to ensure health is sustained.
Additionally, the second reason is based on the quality of food that is consumed. Emanuel believes that the quality of food that one consumes has a lot to do with their health other than the medical treatments. He values eating and strongly believes that for one to escape constant illness and embrace healthy, they must considerably ensure that they understand the diet (Emanuel, 2014). Emanuel also believes that some of the common chronic illnesses are contributed by poor diet. In the 21st century, healthy life depends on how one actively maintains their meal schedule and considers critical foods. With emerging types of foods, it is not easy to determine which...
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