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Breakdown of Arguments and Issues of Tom Junod's My Mom Couldn’t Cook Either

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, your goal is to produce a final draft of the essay that you began for the previous assignment--the one that explains Junod's essay, "My Mom Couldn't Cook," to academic readers who have no knowledge of her work, that points out to those readers what issues and critical questions the text raises, and that shares any experience or connection you might have with those issues or texts. This draft is the final product for this unit, and it counts toward 15% of your grade.
Introducing the source text properly, including the full name of the author and the title of her/his/their work
Integrating and citing direct quotes and paraphrases according to MLA conventions
Providing information about the source’s background, rhetorical situation, and a breakdown of her/his/their argument
In addition, your readers expect you to:
Identify issues or questions that the text raises that merit further research (questions that elicit complex, debatable answers and are suitable for academic inquiry)
Explain any personal connection you might have to those issues or questions.

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My Mom Couldn’t Cook Either
In the essay “My Mom Couldn’t Cook” by Tom Junod, Junod shares his passion, inspiration, and a little bit of his view on cooking. He starts by sharing about his dedication to cooking and how he seriously takes it by noting that he cooks “out of love and generosity, yes, but also out of service, out of duty. I cook because it’s my job…I don’t take many days off cooking because I only like to eat at restaurants that serve food better than my own, or that serve Mexican food or sushi” (Junod). Junod uses the statements above to leeway into his main point; how his mother’s grotty cooking impacted him mentally and made him take a stance on cooking that sought to communicate his disdain for certain societal norms. Junod’s family influenced and shaped his mindset from a young age through the duty of cooking for one’s family. While growing up, Junod’s mother cooked for their family, and to Junod, this was interpreted as love. However, as he grew older and understood how the world works, he soon realized that his childhood was a lie and that certain norms were adopted and accepted as truth. Junod sought to change this beginning with his approach to cooking, who needed to do it, and how it needed to be done. He understood that while love ought to be the foundation for all families, honesty was no cheap feat either. His essay makes for one great read, and by building upon his personal stories, Junod slyly attacks the notion that it is the women’s job to cook and take care of their families.
As he starts the essay, Junod clarifies that as his mother, she is the de facto cook for his family. He makes it clear that she does it out of love and as a duty, and here is where it gets interesting. For a long time, women have been the de facto cooks for their families as well. However, in a patriarchal society, no one stops thinking or asking whether a woman can cook or like or loves cooking. The expectation is that women should cook and take care of their families. Well, Junod’s essay asks the question, what if some women do not like to cook or do the assigned chores for them? ...
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