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Autopathography Improve Health over Time

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Autopathography Improve Health over Time
In recent weeks, I have been experiencing foot soreness, mainly in my right foot, interfering with my sleep. It might start slowly, gradually building in intensity, or it can feel like a searing blast on the outer side of my right foot's ball. There is also a hurting spot on the metatarsal. The severity of the torment causes me to wake up in the middle of the night most nights, and I cannot return to sleep. Early in the morning, when I believe I will be able to sleep again, the alarm goes off, and I am forced to stand up, fatigued from the restless night. During the day, I occasionally get pain. No issues were discovered during the X-rays. The photograph looked to be in perfect condition (Tembeck, 207). He wanted to know whether I had lately changed the shape of my shoes or if I was wearing a different type of heel. But I am not going to try anything new or out of the ordinary. It is either psychological or neurological, according to the doctor, and neither choice is desirable. It is usually better to have anything mental than something neurologic, such as anxiousness brought on by approaching final examinations.
My feet pull me closer to them, so I do not move much closer if they are in agony. Several of my ancestors have developed diabetic neuropathy, which shows up in two ways. The characteristic numbness and loss of sensation in the feet is the first symptom. It caused them to develop tiny sores that went untreated for a long time, eventually turning into huge ulcers that required the amputation of numerous toes. The second type of manifestation, which I'm worried I'll have to deal with, is horrifying. They claim that their skin is burning as if it were skin a few times smaller than their feet and that this intensifies the pain they are feeling, such as from a minor injury. I will pay closer attention to my meals if I don't want to end up without feet.
I am still trying to figure out how to do papers and research while working out. Even as a youngster, I have always detested physical sports. I spent nearly all my time researching, which was beneficial to my academics but harmful to my health. My strong suits are not exercising and dieting. I consider myself a well-educated person who appreciates reading about good habits, but I am aware of them and do not practice them. I cannot help myself; I want to eat, and instead of diet or exercise, I would rather relax and read or watch movies. A few years ago, I had good habits. I followed a rigorous diet and exercised regularly. I got in shape and had enough energy to get my tasks done any day or night. The benefits of being healthy appealed to me. My hair was brighter and fuller, and I was more productive during the day, but I had a bad temper and was in a bad mood.
Another hazardous habit that is now causing me problems is the use of computers. I spend almost all of my waking hours in front of a computer. Aside from my vision problems, which I've had since I was a child, I developed wrist tendonitis. When I'm studying or doing schoolwork, I get the pain down my thumb, wrist, forearm, arm, and, on rare occasions, up to my shoulder. The right side is the most problematic. I suppose it has to do with operating the mouse and separating your index and middle fingers when you click it. I took Tylenol and ibuprofen to relieve the pain, but they were ineffective. To avoid tendon discomfort, the doctor recommended that I stop using my right hand and rest it...
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