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Shortage of Housing for Workers in Chengdu

Essay Instructions:

Please read all reading:

1:Cullingworth and Caves, Chapter 15, “Housing,” pp 336-366.

2.Schuetz, Jenny and Yglesias, Matthew. “America’s Two Housing Crises” (podcast). Vox Media Podcast Network, 17 May 2019. [NOTE: You should listen to the podcast, not just read the page – scroll halfway down to find the podcast recording] link: https://www(dot)vox(dot)com/2019/5/17/18628267/jenny-schuetz-weeds-interview

3.Dagen Bloom, Nicholas and Gordon Lasner, Matthew (2016). “Introduction” and “Conclusion: Challenges and Opportunities.” In Affordable Housing in New York (excerpt in PDF_find it under FILES --> Readings)

4.Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plan (2014). Introduction (read first, pp 16-28) link: https://www1(dot)nyc(dot)gov/assets/hpd/downloads/pdfs/about/housing-new-york.pdf

5.Been, Vicki; Gould Ellen, Ingrid; and O’Regan, Katherine. “Supply Skepticism: Housing Supply and Affordability.” NYU Furman Center. 20 August 2018, pp 2-16. link: https://furmancenter(dot)org/files/Supply_Skepticism_-_Final.pdf

6.Drier, Peter, ‘America Needs Social Housing” link: https://prospect(dot)org/infrastructure/america-needs-social-housing/


In the readings on affordable housing, you will learn about the housing crises that American cities have grappled within the past and today; the ways in which governments, including New York City, have attempted to address these challenges; and the relationship between market-rate housing and housing affordability in general.

For homework, you will once again choose a place you are familiar with, which may be at the scale of a town/city/metropolitan area, a region of a country, or an entire country. (I want to choose Chengdu! ). Based on the readings (have to cited some material in reading! ) and other sources you may consultant, write an analysis that responds to the following questions: (do not need introductions and conclusions. need to write an analysis that responds to the following questions! )

What is a significant housing problem that this place is affected by? This may relate to one or more of the following:

Housing unaffordability

Poor housing quality/conditions

Shortage of a housing type serving a particular group (e.g., seniors, families, workers, etc.)

Housing isolation (far from jobs, transportation, parks, etc.)


Insufficient infrastructure to support housing

Unjust treatment of residents (e.g., tenant harassment)

Housing speculation / market bubble

What is causing this issue?

How has government tried to address it?

Do you think this has been/will be effective?

You are encouraged to include images, maps, data visualization, etc. that help support and illustrate your analysis. Remember to include citations when you state facts or arguments that you took from a source, and also include a bibliography at the end.

Requirement :



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Shortage of Housing for workers in Chengdu
What is a significant housing problem that this place is affected by?
China’s great economic leap led to creating new and better opportunities for millions living in rural areas. Therefore, there was a lot of migration from rural areas as people sought the new opportunities that could be found in the urban areas. The movement from rural to urban areas introduced a major housing problem that the Chinese government worked tirelessly to resolve with the help of local governments. The imbalance between demand and supply of houses introduced the problem of higher prices that further exacerbated the housing problem in China’s major cities (Lin et al., 2). In most cities, the local governments had to intervene to help maintain the housing prices to manageable levels. In Chengdu, for example, the government resorted to limiting price and purchase restrictions as it sought to curtail the abnormal house prices. In 2016, Chengdu was among four major cities in China that decided to restrict property purchases in a move meant to curtail rising home prices (Reuters). However, in 2022, things appear to have changed, with Chengdu experiencing a housing shortage to support the city’s housing needs, particularly for workers.
Currently, Chengdu is facing a major housing problem that greatly impacts workers’ lives who are still migrating into the city in search of greener pastures. Without the intervention of the local government, the city could face a much bigger problem that could curtail growth in the long term. If the problem is left to aggravate, the chances are high that it will create a challenge similar to the one experienced in the Northeast Corridor, Greater Portland, California, and Greater Seattle (Yglesias). In these places, the imbalance between supply and demand is so profound that it will take years to resolve. Therefore, Chengdu ought to act and cater to its housing supply needs.
What is causing this issue?
The increase in housing problems has increased the costs of owning property. A majority of the workers are unable to pay for the increasing housing costs. The high costs discourage low and middle-income workers in Chengdu from affording houses. Hence, developers are unable to sell more units. According to Cullingworth and Caves (336), where investors do not foresee a profit, they will not invest. The authors further indicate that where alternative investments are more profitable, or the incomes are too low to enable the rental housing investors to make expected profits, there will be a shortage of houses. Because of the inability of the workers in Chengdu to afford the houses, the incentive for developers has decreased, further fueling the shortage of needed units.
How has the government tried to address it?
The government has made favorable policies to encourage developers to invest in the town. In November 2021, Chengdu became the first city in China to ease the rules for constructors (Bloomberg News). The city agreed to accelerate approval for home sales and property loans in this regard. Additionally, Chengdu implemented measures to ease restrictions on utilizing sales proceeds. The move aimed to boost liquidity in the building sector as China’s home shortage increases. The city had been under pressure to stabilize the housing industry and bring solutions before the problem got out of...
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