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Should Educators be Held Accountable for Their Students’ Academic Performances?

Essay Instructions:

Write a well-developed essay arguing your position on a controversial school-related issue. Restrict your argument to one level of education - elementary, high school, or college. Follow MLA guidelines. This is not a research essay. Do not use sources other than your own experiences and understanding. be sure and hit these 4 points.

1. Like Sherry, write an essay arguing your position on a controversial school-related issue. Once you select a topic, brainstorm with others to gather insight into varying points of view. When you write, restrict your argument to one level of education, and refute as many opposing arguments as you can.

2. Sherry acknowledges that she used to blame students’ poor academic skills on “drugs, divorce and other impediments.” To what extent should teachers take these and similar “impediments” into account when grading students? Are there certain situations that call for leniency, or should out-of-school forces affecting students not be considered? To gain perspective on this issue, interview several friends, classmates, and instructors. Then write an essay in which you argue your position. Provide specific examples to support your argument, being sure to ac-knowledge and—when possible—to refute opposing viewpoints.

3.Where else, besides in the classroom, do you see people acting irresponsibly, expend-ing little effort, and taking the easy way out? Select one area and write an essay illustrating the effects of this behavior on everyone concerned.

Think back to your own high school days. Recall how boys and girls were treated in school and how they behaved. Did you notice any differences in the way boys and girls were treated by teachers? In the way they behaved in class? In your journal, record some of the differences between the sexes that you noted. To what extent was your own behavior as a high school student influenced by your gender?

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Should Educators Be Held Accountable for Their Students’ Academic Performances?
Educators, including professors, instructors, coaches, laboratory technicians, and librarians, play significant roles in students’ academic performance in college. Their combined effort motivate or demotivate learners to participate in learning activities entirely. In that light, these professionals should work together for the well-being of their students’ scholarly performance. I have met good educators who are concerned with their learners. In addition, some of them do not bother about their students since they believe that everyone in college is mature and that one should behave the way he or she wants. Educators should be accountable for their learners’ academic performance since they might identify things that disrupt students, making it more challenging to meet their learning needs.
All students should be handled equally regardless of their differences. I perceive a school as one big family where educators partially play the role of parents or guardians. Although the primary objective of these academic professionals is to pass knowledge and skills to learners, they can as well guide students and motivate them in their studies. Some professors are very concerned about their students, and they notice when these individuals are stressed, depressed, or facing personal problems. In other words, they help these young people to overcome challenges that might lead to academic failure. For example, some students lose their loved ones at home, and others take care of family members with chronic diseases. Other learners have nothing to worry about since they have supportive families. When these two types of learners are in a lecture room, the former is likely not to concentrate fully. If educators are observant and interact with their students, they have a high likelihood to know students who are facing problems at home or school. As such, they can counsel such learners or recommend them to therapists so that they can know how to deal with their challenges without affecting their academic performances.
When inside the classroom, educators should strive to meet their learning objectives. However, these professionals should interact informally with students when they are outside the school. They should be free and share crucial life tips. In some instances, educators are busy and do not have time to relate to learners ou...
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