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How Has the Job of Teaching Changed and How Have Teachers Helped Change It?

Essay Instructions:

Each paper should be 4-5 pages long.
A good paper makes a clear argument (your opinion), based on specific evidence. This means, for example, that in answer to the first question, a paper should clearly state your opinion about how teaching has changed and why it has changed. Your point of view must be clear. But so must the evidence on which your point of view rests; “just because I think so” is not sufficient. The argument may either be about historical interpretation of the documents or about current events but it must be clear and specific.
Each paper must include:
A specific citation from at least one primary source among those assigned for the unit—that is from a historical document in Fraser (2019), The School in the United States. Using more than one source or making comparisons among primary sources is strongly encouraged.
A specific citation from at least one other source, besides those in Fraser (2019), either assigned in one of the asynchronous classes or that you find elsewhere.
Please name your assignments consistently using the following format:
YourName_PaperName.doc (e.g. brewer_teacherpaper.doc; brewer_studentpaper.doc, etc.)
Accepted document formats include .doc, and .docx. Do not submit documents in pdf or .rtf format.
Each paper is graded out of 15 using one decimal point. 14.2-15.0 = A; 13.5-14.1 = A-; 13.1-13.4 = B+; 12.5-13.0 = B; 12.0-12.4 = B-; 11.6-11.9 = C+; 11.0-11.5 = C; 10.5-10.9 = C-; 10.0-10.4 = D+; 9.5-9.9 = D; Below 9.5 = F.
Fraser Reading is the main source that the paper should be cited from. Other docs are additional info that could also be used as citations.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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How Has the Job of Teaching Changed and How Have Teachers Helped Change It?
Teachers focus on making the lives of others better through education and knowledge gained from the class. Most teachers working in public schools experience different kinds of frustrations in the workplace. Teaching can be difficult and requires a teacher to have a passion to handle the day-to-day reality of the profession. In teaching, intrinsic rewards that are intangible are more than tangible extrinsic rewards. Teaching is crucial in the social and economic development of a nation. The job of teaching has changed from the previous centuries with different developments in the sector. Teachers contribute to the changes that happen in the job of teaching. The public and private schools have experienced changes over the years intending to achieve the ideal society. The analysis of opportunities and challenges coming with the changes in teaching job assist in understanding the profession.
The first notable change in the teaching job is the increase of women in the profession. Fraser explains that Catharine Beecher in 1835 was a determined advocate for expanding women's opportunities by educating them to take up different jobs in the community (43). The convincing of women to take up education was an approach that assisted in increasing the number of women engaging in economic activities. The creating of new opportunities for women was crucial for the community to attain the desired macroeconomic goals. Stable performance in the teaching job requires the integration of all genders for the students to have a good view of society. Women education increased the entering of women into the teaching profession. The advocating of women to get education boosted the number of women teachers in the United States from 1835(Fraser 43). Intellectual and moral education requires the use of women to empower the girl child in the community. Teaching is a profession that demands patience, tenderness, love, and wisdom that is available in women teachers. A woman is a companion of a child and a constant model of imitation to different people in the community. The increase in the number of women teachers in the teaching job increased the intake and performance of female students. The teaching industry needs the calm judgment and patient attention of women to increase the performance of learners. The gradual changes in women's education in the 18th century increased the number of women teachers in the community.
The teaching job changed with the teaching style applied by the teachers. Teachers have a social and cultural responsibility that will help students in attaining their goals in the community. The equal treatment of students from different backgrounds is an approach that assists in dealing with the complexity of society. According to Fraser, in the 1930s and 1940s, Asian Americans, African Americans, and Mexican Americans were fighting for education rights (240). Equal schooling was crucial for the United States to experience an increase in social and economic performance. The end of racial segregation in schools had success in different communities. The focus on diversity in schools boosts the performance of different learners in the institution. Going beyond the white and black segregation assisted in dealing with complex education problems in the community. The widespread inequality in the US in the 1930s required teachers, civil rights advocates, and other stakeholders in the industry to work together in dealing with the problem. The use of civil rights movements assisted in changing the teaching industry.
The Brown v. Board of Education case of 1954 was the heart of civil rights movements (Fraser 240). The Supreme Court declared that segregation in public schools had violated the equal protection clause of the Fourteen Amendment. The case was in education and beyond to achieve equality in the United States. The civil rights movements of the 1960s assisted in making sure that equal education positively influenced the black communities. Teachers helped in dealing with the segregation of students based on race. The local, state, and national events organized at the time helped in dealing with the problem of segregation for increased performan...
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