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Personal Narrative Essay

Essay Instructions:

Using Microsoft Word, type your paper; it must be submitted in .doc, .docx, or .rtf format for grading purposes.

Use double-spacing, standard one-inch margins, and a font no larger than the equivalent of Times New Roman 12.

Your final draft should contain between 750 and 2,500 words.

Please save your document using your student number, the appropriate exam number, and your last name, all connected by underscore symbols. Final Review

Ask yourself all of the following questions before you even consider submitting your essay for grading. If your answer to even one of these questions is no, then you still have some work to do.

Does my introduction attempt to “hook” the reader?

Does my essay have a clear and specific thesis statement?

Does my essay accurately tell my story?

Does my essay indicate why I’m telling my story?

Have I described only my own experiences?

Have I used the first-person point of view (the pronoun “I”) throughout the essay?

Have I clearly indicated where paragraphs begin and end?

Does each of my paragraphs support my thesis statement?

Does my conclusion summarize and give closure to my essay?

Have I effectively proofread my essay?

Have I met the length requirement?

Is my essay formatted according to the instructions?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Personal Narrative Essay
It is every individual’s desire to live a meaningful life, although the greater challenge is searching for the thing that is in sync with the soul. While many are committed to this course, there is nothing as demoralizing as meeting extremely challenging obstacles. Personally, depression is the most difficult experience I have witnessed in my entire life. There are several other personal narrative episodes I would have chosen to write, but then I am concerned about this particular one because of the minimal attention that is directed towards mental health. In this case, I mean actual attention from real-life people and real-life situations and not the case for mainstream media. Credit where it deserves and therefore, kudos to the media for at least making mention of it. However, the thing with mainstream media is that it fails to dissect the issue deeply probably because of its limited airtime.
Nevertheless, the victim has to find a way out of it otherwise, depression can have devastating experiences. Since I do not have a curated definition of the term ‘depression,’ I will seek assistance from a scholar or organization in this discipline. In this case, Razzak, Harbi, and Alhi defines depression as “a predominant illness characterized by the loss of interest in activities that an individual usually enjoys and persistent sadness often accompanied by an inability to undertake daily activities” (274). This definition provides a more concise definition of this mental illness. Depression is one of the major contemporary issues facing contemporary adolescents and young adults and in its extremity, the illness could result in suicide thoughts and eventually, the unfortunate realization of this event. To this end, this personal narrative essay, which is more of a journal than an expected task, endears to provide an inspiration to someone that they can overcome depression given that they do not succumb to its pressures as they continue to fight it daily.
The Beginning
The single most important element that makes the world beautiful is the diversity that prevails particularly in people’s personalities and so this trend continues to parenting styles. Parenting styles vary and are often modelled around their upbringing. Personally, am fortunate to have both parents and their unique parenting style too. Our family is a middle-class family implying that we can afford daily life’s necessities at least. Much appreciation to our (considering my siblings) parents for their relentless efforts in ensuring that we had whatever we needed. I am confident once they are done educating us, we will all be in a position to upgrade our living standards and enjoy some of the luxurious items on this planet. Nonetheless, our parents have taught us to treat others with kindness and never scold or undermine anyone even if we are in an advantageous position.
In essence, the most primal thing that I have to mention here is the importance that my mother gave to being a good and kind person. Personally, I grew up knowing that being good and kind person to other people is all that matters bar all other abiding factors. It never occurred to me to consider the principle of duality. An excellent example of this principle is that of light and darkness. It is only in a blackout that a person recognizes the significance of the light they were disregarding or even oblivious about initially. The prominence of one element arises in the void of the other. The degree to which we valued goodness would only be vital if we know what evil looked like. Unfortunately, these are the events that would befall me and send to the deepest pits of depression.
During school, I have happened to have forged an exceptional relationship with a couple of four individuals. These are people that we would do everything together. Our bond was very tight to the extent that no one would even enter or break it. We were in much synchronicity that the entire relationship was flowing seamlessly and with ‘minimal’ effort. Initially, none of us would do anything harmful, disheartening or malicious to the rest of the crew. There were worthwhile memories along the way. On weekends, we would go for nature walks that would take hours before we returned home. The number of lunches we took together were uncountable. Further, we supported each other in what they did. For instance, one of the members was a disc jockey (dj) and we would literally present ourselves in his room to support him. Another one had a major interest in drama and related acting activities. Also, we would support him. Personally, there was much interest in entrepreneurship activities. To this end, I was the source of business ideas that would bring the group some money. I was quite scopophobic and thus, was never the face of the group.
Having talked of some of the dynamics that prevailed in this relationship, let us digress to when things got sour. One night we were gaming at a friend’s place paying the popular FIFA game. FIFA was our game considering that it was interesting and quite addictive. Winner stay was the formula that we used implying that each individual did their best so as to lengthen their period of play. There is this point I decided to step outside although I cannot remember the precise commitment. Also, I cannot recall the length of the period I was outside. However, on returning, I found my smartphone that I had left charging was missing. It was a surreal moment considering that the people in the room were the closest knit of individuals I had ever known. After being certain that my phone was missing, I begun constructing probabilities to the apparent situation. Something peculiar was that one of our friends was not in the room although I had left him initially. After an extended couple of minutes he returned. He exhibited a certain aura including a tense face that insinuated I was looking at the thief. Suddenly, my instincts kicked in and unmistakably, I asked him to bring my phone back. Although he never brought it from wherever place he had hidden it, I was confident that he was the one that had stolen it. I lacked concrete evidence so there was no possible avenue in which to forward my case to the authorities. Despite the passive aggressiveness atmosphere for the latter of the afternoon, I never knew that this situation would explode and become the most defining period to date.
Over the following week, I felt that the closest people to me albeit my family had betrayed me significantly. Consequently, I begun distancing myself from my friends. My level...
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