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The Legalization of Marijuana

Essay Instructions:


Write a persuasive essay of 1,200-1,500 words in which you will try to persuade your reader to accept your point of view on a controversial subject that matters to you and that is both current and relevant. You may choose your own topic, but you must clear your topic with me.  

Make sure you choose a topic that is debatable. For example, the statement, “We must eliminate all child abuse from society” is not debatable. No one is likely to take a stand for child abuse. As well, make sure your topic has two clear sides to it. The legalization of marijuana is a good topic because one could develop a good argument for either perspective: the Canadian government made a good decision when it legalized pot OR the Canadian government made a mistake when it legalized pot. 

Once you have chosen your topic, visit the library and research both sides of the argument. After analyzing your material, choose a side: your stand on this issue will become your thesis. 

Keep in mind that a research paper follows the same writing process as any other writing:  thinking, organizing, writing, and revising. However, instead of relying entirely on yourself for ideas, you use other sources to help you develop your ideas and support your arguments.  Nonetheless, it is your paper, and your voice should be in control. Avoid the temptation to pile up quotes; sources should clearly support your idea. 

To help you with your research, Kate Cushon, a librarian at the John Archer Library, has offered to create video tutorials which I will post to UR Courses.

You may of course use Google to help you with your research, but you will also be expected to use the library resources (on-line). 

NOTE: You must use at least five sources; a minimum of three of these will consist of newspaper or magazine articles, essays published in scholarly journals, or books that you locate in your library research. If you do use the internet, please avoid factually untrustworthy sites.

In, developing support for your argument, remember to consider the opposing viewpoints. Qualify or refute these points, depending on their validity. (Refer to pages 88-89 on “Quoting Opposing Views” and pages 97-99 on “Anticipate Objections” and “Build Common Ground.” in Rules for writers).

Pay attention to your tone. You are likely to have strong opinions, and you may well be better informed on the topic than your reader(s); however, you never want to talk down to your reader or adopt a sarcastic tone. The best way to move your reader is to show respect for her or him by presenting a strong, clear argument.

Remember, thinking is messy and often redundant; thus, before, during, and after your research, you will want to work on refining your topic and your thesis; thus, re-writing at all stages of the writing process is essential. 

Make sure you refer to the Essay-Writing Guidelines hand-out on UR Courses. 

Follow the MLA format--See pages 418-476 in your Rules for Writers text; as well, see pages 468-476 for an example essay.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Legalizing marijuana has become a disputable issue today. In Canada, marijuana is used for medical and recreational purposes. Although people have opposing opinions about its importance, some have started to understand the benefits of marijuana. Legalizing marijuana is something people view using the Marxist perspective due to its economic benefits. If marijuana is legalized, all the states would have mental health and physical benefits. Currently, the use of marijuana among young adults and teenagers is on the rise. Critics have always had several reasons against legalizing the drug, while supporters have given its unique advantages. There is no doubt that the legalization of marijuana has a lot of benefits in Canada.
The main idea behind the legalization of marijuana in Canada is its medical benefits. According to health practitioners, marijuana is often used as a healing drug. Over the past few years, the drug has been used as a medicine. In many cultures, it has been used by different generations to cure various ailments. Doctors use a boiled compound of marijuana as an anesthetic for surgical patients. The compound also has other uses like discharging pus, regulating temperatures, clearing the blood, and undoing rheumatism. The drug is also used to treat malaria, regulate heart rate relieve asthma, and calm nerves (Mosher & Scott 156).
Compared to other drugs, weed has few harmful effects compared to other hard drugs like heroin and cocaine. According to Brodwin, tobacco and alcohol are more dangerous than marijuana. Sometimes even sugar is considered to be more harmful. Using marijuana is safer, and it is hard for a person to overdose. According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse study, 30% of nicotine users are addicts, while cannabis, alcohol, and cocaine had 9%, 15%, and 17%, respectively (Goldstein 167). In 2014, more than forty thousand Canadians died due to alcoholism. However, there were no deaths reported from the usage of marijuana. With these statistics, it is evident that marijuana is not harmful. The government's primary concern is the comfort and health and comfort of people. Marijuana is a drug that helps people in their everyday life. For example, it helps relieve pain, nausea, and other complications standard drugs have failed to cure. People also use marijuana to relax and relieve themselves from stress. Since the symptoms of marijuana are mild, it is easy for people to deal with it. Marijuana is a drug that develops tolerance quickly, and users can handle symptoms easily.
Strict policies surrounding the consumption of marijuana have adverse effects on society. These laws had increased the consumption of marijuana and illegal business. According to Brodwin, most prisons on Canadian prisons are jailed because they were wrongfully prosecuted for the sale and use of marijuana. These policies also destroyed the lives of many citizens. Sometimes these policies were linked with rising levels of unemployment. Over the past few years, the law had apprehended potential entrepreneurs, yet they would have created many jobs through the sale and manufacture of marijuana. Prohibition of marijuana had contributed to racial stereotyping. Since marijuana is used to ease symptoms like pain, some families might be willing to take the risk of obtaining marijuana, although it means going to jail.
According to researchers, when marijuana is used in...
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