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Origin and names of the bible. Creative Writing Essay

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This essay has to be a 2 page informative essay and the topic that I chose it the origin of names in the bible. it has to be written in MLA 8th edition and it is a freewriting/draft paper

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November 18, 2020
Origins of the Names in the Bible
The Bible is one of the texts that are replete with names and the symbols behind them. For the most part, the relationship between these names and their origins have served as a characterizing principle behind the biblical character himself/herself. Today, such practice is still dominant, which serves as a testament to Christians' strong belief. In this article, I would like to focus on some of the Bible's well-known names and why they were given such names. All in all, by looking at the relationship between them, it becomes possible to peer deeper into the Christian religion's culture these days.
Names in the Bible
Some of the most notable names mentioned in the Bible were Adam and Eve's names. It is well-known, even outside the teachings of Christianity, that these two characters were considered the origins of all humans as they were the first created by God. However, a closer analysis of their names would show that their names' origins were a direct reference as to the manner of God's creation. First, the name Adam originated from the Hebrew word ('adamah), meaning "earth" CITATION Beh20 \l 1033 (BehindTheName.com). It could be seen from the Bible that Adam was created from soil (or Earth). Genesis 2:7 specifically provides that God "formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul" CITATION Isb19 \l 1033 (Isbouts).
In contrast to this, the name Eve seems to ...
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