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Creative Writing
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The destruction of Hindu art by the Muslims Creative Writing Essay

Essay Instructions:

In a two-page, typed, double-spaced essay, persuade your readers that (the destruction of the Buddhas by the Taliban; the repatriation of art looted by the Nazis; the destruction of Hindu art by the Muslims and the subsequent retaliation) was justified/unjustified based on your opinion. You will derive your opinion from learning about the reasons for the controversy, the cultural context of the destruction, and as a result, why the opposing view is incorrect, misguided, or mistaken. You must understand both sides of the issue in order to argue your point effectively. You must cite the resources you use to support your view. Your objective is to convince those who oppose you – through the force of your logical appeal – that your position is the one they should adopt. (8 Sources please)

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Religious Retaliations: Hindu-Islam Rivalry
Conflict is a common happening in many aspects of societies. It is a scenario that has seen dominance in most of ancient and even current society where individuals or groups having different cultural settings values and doctrines are found in a common environment. The most conflicting groups in every society are either religious groups, political groups, and Ethnic groups (Shankar and Gerstein 365). When these groups with either religious differences are put in one environment, they are most likely to end up in a conflict. in their article, “Religious conflict is on the Rise”, Muggah and Velshi admit that religious groups are in constant conflict with some using “their holy” writings to support the acts. The interest of this paper is to show that religious conflict is a vice and should be discouraged by relating to the Hindus' art destruction by the Muslims.
Hindu and Islam are among the oldest religions in the world. These are the common rivaling religious groups in India (Galonnier a). These two have in many instances engaged in a conflict for many reasons. The most common causes of conflicts within these groups are either political based social or economic (Bhutto). There have been several instances in which Hindus and Islam have conflicted especially due to their diversity in religious beliefs and practices. The origins of the conflict between these groups date back to the 7th and 8th centuries when Islam was first introduced into the kingdoms of India from the Middle East (Bhutto)
Hindus believe so much in their religious arts as a representation of their faith. Anything that means harm to their arts means harm to the believers. When Muslims took the power and wanted to dissolve Hinduism, they choose to hit where it matters most. To destroy the arts. Most of the temples were a representation of much wealth which made the Muslim Kings destroy them in the 11th century (Encyclopedia Britannica). This angered many who retaliated leading to the d...
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