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Creative Writing
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New York Through My Eyes

Essay Instructions:

“Every explorer names his island Formosa, beautiful. To him it is beautiful because, being first, he has access to it and can see it for what it is. But to no one else is it ever as beautiful—except the rare man who manages to recover it, who knows that it has to be recovered.”

--Walker Percy, “The Loss of the Creature”

“You start building your private New York the first time you lay eyes on it.”

--Colson Whitehead, The Colossus of New York


Think of this assignment as an amalgam of all the living and writing, and of the ideas and attitudes that have emerged this semester, all that you've been doing. But bring that experience to focus on a particular place or habit or cultural trait (or maybe even an object) you've encountered here . . .

Essay Prompts:

Not as easy as it may sound, but maybe the way to establish some ownership, to stake your claim: In the spirit of Colson Whitehead’s Colossus of New York, or taking a cue from Whitehead’s strategy of writing about New York, write an essay about your New York City, using your experience and observations, our readings, some independent research, developing some tentative definitions as you go. Use your creativity as well as your considerable intellect. Probably, like Whitehead, it will be most helpful to keep a small focus, but remember to do what feels most healing and most productive to you.

Your essay should include:

a title and epigraph

a paragraph of definition (meaning, define your New York)

sections of narration, description, reflection

key word(s)


lots of particulars (specifics—don’t forget the ‘rule of three’)


drawings? photographs?

Use MLA format, please

Additional sources should include:

reference to two of our readings (and/or documentary, Edward Hopper’s artwork) this semester.

Some of you have asked whether you might include conversations—ones you have had or ones you have overheard. Yes, you may.

Your essay must be accompanied by a metatext (500 words).

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New York through my Eyes
In his book Here is New York, E.B. White wrote, “New York provides not only a continuing excitation but also a spectacle that is continuing.” Indeed, everyone wants to visit or live in New York City. This city provides numerous opportunities and experiences along with its gleaming skyscrapers and bridges. It is also known as the city that does not sleep because of its people. Since so many people rely on it, its transportation never stops. In addition, establishments, shops, and other places of business do not close due to a high volume of daily customers. Some people, however, regard it as a city that never sleeps because the people are too loud, even at dawn, when people need to sleep, rest, and prepare for the next day. As a result, some people still prefer not to stay here due to the noise and tirelessness that can be felt here. As for White, New York allows a person to feel excitement continuously, and it allows a person to see its endless beauty. Thus, New York is a place that brings excitement, pleasure, and satisfaction to its people.
If I had to define my own New York, it would make me feel something I have never felt anywhere else. I get excited when I visit New York. Every day, I get excited about what food I should try, where I should go next, whom I will meet, and what adventures await me. New York also gives me pleasure. The daily view of the city never ceases to amaze me. Sometimes I feel like a tourist in this city because I am still amazed by the skyscrapers and magnificent infrastructures. Moreover, the city also makes me feel satisfied. I may be drawn to different places or enticed by how they look or feel, but there will always be one place that I consider home. New York is a place where I will always return and remember a person. Therefore, New York makes me feel excited, pleasured, and satisfied.
Furthermore, there is one profound reason why I adore New York and would not trade it anywhere else. New York is home. It is where I have built relationships and memories with the people I value the most. It is where I met many of my best friends in high school. Friends I have considered family and friends who made me love the city even more. My high school years were memorable because of my friends and all the places we visited in New York. I recall a moment when we promised to meet in a specific location in the city no matter how old we got, and luckily, we still kept our promises. Indeed, these people have made me appreciate the city even more.
Furthermore, I am not the only one who adores the city. I recall a classmate from back then. She came from a country in Asia and came to New York for her education. She stated that living in the bustling city of New York is one of her dreams, and she considers herself extremely fortunate to be able to study there. I recall how bright her face and eyes were when she told me about her first day in New York. She recalled that a single day was insufficient for her to explore the city. She even remembered going to Times Square every night to watch concerts and plays. She is an avid fan of arts and designs, which is why she is so amazed to see performances related to arts. She is also taken with Edward Hopper’s paintings and considers them to be the true definition of New York. She particularly enjoyed Hopper’s New York Movie because she believes it captures her interest and love for the city through film. I then interrupted her to ask how she would describe the city, to which she replied that it is busy, alive, and artistic. Indeed, the ci...
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