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Nectar in a Sieve by Kamala Markandaya

Essay Instructions:

Directions how to do this work. Please just search anything from the internet or book/novel about this Nectar in a Sieve by Kamala Markandaya to create a 5 stanza poem with 2 sentences per stanza. Need to write a 3 paragraph’s explanation of the 5 stanzas poem that you created. You will write the poem and analysis in a separate document. Thank you

Lesson Standards: W 11-12.4 and W.11-12.5 Graded Assignment6.01 Write a PoemTotal score: ____ of 100 points During the next several lessons you will be writing a poem and analysis about a theme in Nectar in a Sieve. Your poem should be at least 5 stanzas in length with at least 2 lines per stanza. You will also need to write a 3-paragraph explanation. You will write your Poem and analysis in a separate document and will submit that document to your teacher for grading.*Read* Directions-You will begin your assignment today. Follow the steps of the writing process to complete the assignment.For the content of your poem, choose what you think is the most important theme in the novel and try to write a poem that also conveys that theme. Your poem should be school-friendly and must be a minimum of 5 stanzas in length with at least 2 lines per stanza. Your poem may be longer than that at no penalty. You will also need to write a 3-paragraph explanation on why you chose the theme that you did and how your poem conveys that theme. You will need to incorporate at least 3 quotes into your explanation in order to compare and contrast how your chosen theme is presented in both the novel and your poem. Your quotes should also have proper MLA in-text citations.Steps to Complete-Planning· Do a close reading of Nectar in a Sieve, taking notes about the theme you selected. Include details from thetext and record their page numbers. Quote and paraphrase from Nectar in a Sieve in those details. DraftingWrite the first draft of your poem and explanation. Remember to save often. As you write, follow these guidelines:· Write paragraphs that develop and support your theme choice using reasons and evidence from the text.· Quote or paraphrase from the literary work to support your points, using in-text citations.· Use transitions, a formal style, and an objective tone.RevisingRevise your first draft, using the feedback you received from your readers. Decide which items in the feedback you ought to respond to in your revision.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Theme of Poverty
Life is a struggle; every day is a fight
To put food on the table; all day and night
With empty stomachs, we still work and toil
Our only hope, the nectar from the soil
A mother's love, a father's pride
Sons and daughters, by their side
A family that sticks; in good times and bad
Together, they face the poverty they've had
The rain pours, but not on our land
Our crops, they wither; our hopes, they stand
Against the drought, we fight with might
Hunger and poverty, an endless plight
The rich get richer; the poor get poorer
A cycle of poverty; we can't conquer
We dream of life; with enough to eat
A life without poverty, our ultimate feat
Yet, amid this struggle and pain
We find hope and joy; amidst the rain
For in our hearts, we know we are strong
And together, we will rise above all wrongs
The theme of poverty is central in Kamala Markandaya's Nectar in a Sieve. The poem effectively captures the novel's portrayal of impoverished characters' struggles in rural India. For example, the poem's first stanza conveys the daily battle for survival, a harsh reality for impoverished people where necessities, like food, are scarce. According to Mahalakshimi, “Rukmani the protagonist and narrator in the novel is a simple peasant woman whose persistent battle has been against poverty" (147). This line powerfully illustrates the desperation for sustenance and how the characters must rely on the bare minimum to survive. The second verse emphasizes the necessity of family support during difficult times, a recurring topic throughout the work. Mahalakshimi asserts that “once more Nathan is to bear the whole burden of the household” (151), encapsulating the spirit of solidarity and strength that the individuals rely on to overcome their problems. The po...
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