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Filipino Immigrants Attitude toward living in America

Essay Instructions:

1.The main theme on this essay is: Filipino Immigrants Attitude toward living in America 2.You need to take ALL the following terms into consideration as you are crafting your analysis: a. Filipino economic/material success b. Filipino family obligation c. Citizenship d. Colonial mentality of a Filipino e. Filipino political empowerment homesickness. 3.Please state on introduction how Filipinos love to come here in America because of high forex rate exchange,free medical food, and monetary welfare. How this action of Filipinos could affect their family and the Philippines government. 4. Please state only positive thing

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Immigrants to America typically envision living a better life in terms of freedoms and improved economic status. Filipino immigration to America is increasing because the U.S. has a higher forex exchange rate than Philippines. This translates to a better living standards in America, and also improves the living standards of Filipino citizens who receive remittances from the U.S. Equally related to better living standards is the American welfare system, which attracts immigrants as this supplements social services unlike in the Philippines where the system is not well developed. Having access to food and medical supplies is attractive to immigrants from Philippines because their economic situation back at home makes it difficult to access social amenities offered by government officials. Immigration to America could improve the welfare of Philippines through increased remittances to families, and would increase foreign exchange to the Philippines government. This paper delves into Filipino immigrants attitudes towards living in America.
The demographic trends of the Asian community in America show that Filipino Americans are second only to Chinese Americans (David & Nadal 298). The immigration Act of 1965, allowed Filipino citizens to settle in America in larger numbers than before, and most of Filipino Americans tended to be professionals (Garcia). However, other waves of immigrants included economic immigrants who sought to improve their living standard in America. Like other recent immigrants in the country, there has been an increase in the number of undocumented immigrants who do menial jobs, despite having high education attainments. On the political front, Filipino Americans are less visible, and being lumped into the Asian American community places them in an awkward position as they have their own unique culture and civil rights concerns.
Economic situation
Filipino Americans typically have middle class lifestyles in the U.S. and are mostly represented in the production and the service industries, but the effects of a slowing economy have affected their living standards (Garcia). The notion of American has been well accepted by this community, which has seen Filipino Americans getting more involved in the country’s economy. On the average, the household median income of Filipino Americans is higher than the average US population median income. Their economic contribution in the home country of Philippines improves the country’s foreign reserves, as they have substantial contribution to the country’s economy. Asian countries typically receive large remittances from North America and Europe, and Philippines receive more remittances from America, than from any other country. At the same time, Filipino Americans also engage in private business, particularly in the hospitality industry including running restaurants.
Family obligation
Asian immigrant communities in America have a strong sense of duty and family obligation to immediate family members and the extended family. Even though, there has been economic adaptation among Filipino Americans, there is still strong interdependence in the community even among the younger generations. The rights and obligations that bind Filipino Americans are broader than the typical American family, because they have a strong sense of identity and aspects of collectivism. The belief in the American Dream introduced individualism and competition, in the community, but family obligation still defines the people’s identity. Nonetheless, the notion of family obligation is tied to the extent of acculturation and assimilation into mainstream American society. Thus, first generation immigrants tend to observe family obligation to the wider family, than other generations because of their closer ties to Philippines.
US colonization of Philippines and participation of Filipino veterans in WWII provided the first opportunity for which to extend citizenship to Filipinos (Garcia). Filipino Americans tend to be legal immigrants, naturalized citizens and children of prev...
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