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Parent-Child Relations: Divorce & Childrens Mental Health

Essay Instructions:

Write a causal argument essay, establish a sound relationship between cause and effect that is supported by evidence and indisputable.
Essay needs to be 4 pages long and the 5th page needs to be the outline page of everything you wrote about.
please include work cited page 

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Divorce on Children’s Mental Health
Every year approximately one million children suffer due to their parents divorcing. Divorce causes irreparable mental harm especially to children resulting to temporary decrease in individual quality of life. The psychological effects of divorce on children are devastating. However, parents do not realize how their private wars can have a lasting effect on their children. According to medical experts, children are the worst affected during the divorce process because not many parents think about the consequences instead parents manipulate their children for personal and financial reasons (Potrykus and Fagan 45).
Divorce weakens children's future competence as it permanently affects family relationships between children and parents resulting constant conflicts. In future children are affected because divorce affects their sense of masculinity or femininity resulting troubles with dating or cohabiting as they, same children are likely to divorce later in life when they grow up. One of the recent studies revealed that children of divorced parents cannot absorb all the events during the divorce process. Instead, they gather and interpreted information about their parents, and use this information to come up with several coping strategies including manipulating their parents by keeping certain information from one parent to avoid punishment or to solidify their relationship with the other parent. Children also gain an upper hand by controlling information since there is reduced communication among the parents (Fagan, 101).
Expert recommends that children can survive and thrive in this process if surrounded by loving adults or role models in their lives. Parents can nurture and love them despite their difference children will not be much affected by their parents divorce. The effects of divorce on children mental health ranges from mild to severe or from short-term or long-term effects (Fagan, 102).
Effects of Divorce on Mental Health of Children
Stressful situation after divorce lead to children becoming anxious, depressed or indulge in substance abuse as a way of coping with the difficult situation; sometimes children attempt to commit suicide. With time children develop delinquent behaviors, girls easily seek external relief resulting to teen pregnancy. According to research, children caught up in the process of separation or divorce is likely to develop several problems that affect their levels of concentration, resulting poor performance in school (Potrykus and Fagan 20).
These children also have anger management problems and sleep disorder. All these come as a result of children feeling guilty for their parent's separation. Children always imagine that it is their fault or guilty for not having done anything to prevent their parents from divorcing.

Weakened Parent-Child Relationships
When parents divorce the relationship between them and their children weakens, after divorce parents are faced with two main problems one is an adjustment to their intrapsychic conflict and how to play the new role as divorced parents. Such a strenuous process causes stress and damages the parent –child relationship as they receive little attention compared to before their parents got divorced (Potrykus and Fagan 34).
Children in divorced families often receive less emotional support, practical assistance, or even financial assistance from their parents. Being deprived of affection affects children because they lack stimulation of academic behavior lowering their self-esteem. In addition, due to frustration children from the divorced family are often over punished and lack necessities as play material since they stay with one parent who cannot adequately provide them with everything (Potrykus and Fagan 50).
Emotional Closeness and Well-Being
Children relationship with their partner worsens after divorce because of the disruption causing the distance between the two. Divorced parents often cite dissatisfaction with their former spouses’ relationship with their children especially their father, this further creates distance between the children and the father (Fag...
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