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The Economy Presented in "Can Generation Xers Be Trained?"

Essay Instructions:

Topics: Choose a basis for comparison and write a comparison of the approaches to the relationship between youth employment and the economy presented in "Can Generation Xers Be Trained?" (page 509) and "The Sweet Bird of Youth Is Showing Signs of Age" (page 520).

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Creative Writing.
Comparative Essay
The corporate world is always affected by the kind of employees it had as its staff and the type of clientele it aims at reaching. It is never an easy job to only focus on a single generation of customers since the present age is dynamic and there is a continuous generational shift. The earlier ‘Silent’ generation has been replaced with the Baby Boomers, who in turn have been replaced with Generation X. It is therefore very important that corporations realize they are dealing with all these generations. Most specifically, the Generation X has proved to be the most dynamic and revolutionary of all, since they have rewritten all the standard rules of management training and advertisement. In helping to understand this generation, two articles, Can Generation Xers Be Trained? By Shari Caudron and The Sweet Bird of Youth Is Showing Signs of Age by Andrew Beyak provide excerpts for discussion. This paper is will offer a deep comparison in the ideas brought up by the two authors. Although both have an identical perspective of what entails the basic characteristics of Generation X, it is evident that Caudron has a positive view of the generation’s employability, while Beyak views their employment conditions very critically.
* The main characteristics of Generation X.
According to Caudron, generation X are generally non-traditional. They have broken out of the norm practiced by the earlier generations, both in terms of language and practice. Their culture is new and mostly informal. This ensures that they are generally trying to introduce new things into the mainstream, things that weren’t there before, such as informality at the most formal of occasions. While this is Caudron’s interpretation of this generation’s characteristics, Beyak has a simpler one; judging them by their interpretation of maturity in relation to financial status. He clearly views Generation X as a group that has a very different perspective of everything, from marriage to maturity itself. In essence, both authors clearly agree that the most common characteristic of Generation X is their difference in practice and culture, with previous generations. It can be put without a doubt; there is absolutely a rather new view of what entails success n life from this generation. They also have a different priority list in comparison to the other generations, while it is very evident that Caudron also holds similar perceptions, though from a managerial or workplace point of view. In a nutshell, both authors agree that Generation X have a revolutionary understanding of everything.
* The em...
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