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4 pages/≈1100 words
Creative Writing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 14.4

Campus Exile- Revenge

Essay Instructions:


Twice during the semester you have to turn in Formal Submissions—one in the genre of Creative Nonfiction and one in the genre of Fiction. This is your Creative Nonfiction Formal Submission assignment.


Write your own original piece of creative nonfiction. Unlike the Writing Exercises you’ve been doing, there is no specific prompt for this. What does that mean? Well, it means that for this assignment you have no restrictions whatsoever when it comes to subject, style, approach, or point of view. In fact, the only restriction for you to consider with this assignment is length: shoot for something between 1000 and 4000 words (approximately between 3 and 15 pages).


Don’t be afraid to take risks or try something new! Think about the wide variety of styles we read in this unit, and you can see that Creative Nonfiction is an enormous, unwieldy genre that contains essays as different as Annie Dillard’s “Total Eclipse” and David Shields’ “Life Story.” In past classes students have turned in amazing essays on trips they took abroad, or problems they’ve had with stage fright. One student wrote a piece that was composed entirely of the titles of #1 songs on the Billboard charts. Another student wrote a piece about dealing with the death of a family pet. Pretty much anything goes here. You could expand one of your Writing Exercises or write something completely new. Whatever. I just want you to be invested in what you’re writing about. Please don’t hesitate at all to run an idea by me if you have one you’re unsure about. I’m here to help. Last thing: please don’t forget to proofread before you turn it in!


Font Typeface—use either Times New Roman or Garamond

Font Size—use 12-point

Spacing—please, please, please double-space!

Heading—Two things: 1) include your name at the top of page 1; 2) include a Word Count just below your name

Titles—please try to come up with one (I know this isn’t an easy thing to do; try to do it anyway.)

Page numbers—please include these


When I’m grading your Formal Submissions, one the big things I’ll be looking for is effort—the degree to which I can see that you’re committed to working on becoming a strong writer. Another thing I’ll be looking for is completeness: have you seen your idea through to its end? Have you done more than just tossed it off the night before? Have you really spent time with it, really wrangled with your language?

When you submit this piece on Wednesday, February 23rd, I won’t give it a letter grade. Instead, I’ll read it very closely and give you my impressions. I’ll tell you what it seems to me the piece wants to do versus what it actually is doing. I’ll provide comments and suggestions, and just generally try to help improve the piece in any way I can. Then, at the end of the semester, you’ll submit it again in the Final Portfolio. This will give you the chance to revise the piece based on my comments and suggestions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student's Name
Professor's Name
Campus Exile- Revenge
"Well, here I am, the new me, the old version is gone, and everything that will happen from now on must be euphoric. Everything must be lively; I mean, nobody even knows my name, behavior, and previous failures. I can be anything and everything I want to be; I can be the King of the Jungle and rule this entire kingdom. But what I want is to leave a legacy in this new chapter of life." These thoughts flooded my mind when I was enrolled as a campus student. Everything went according to my expectations, and to some extent, it felt like it was the beginning of real life. I had this general perspective that they change when students go to campus. Some turn out to be the best, and others turn out to be the worst nightmares to their families and relatives. For me, I want to be the best. I want to be the campus talk.
I was stubborn; I used to do things that I would live to regret back then. I was used as an example when parents strived to change their children's habits in our community. Despite the hatred I received, I never changed; it's like I had sworn an oath to be the bearer of echoes in that area. I was often involved in many cases; I'm even lucky that I didn't end up in juvenile or other correctional centers. I was a bad influence. However, I was proud of myself because I was confident and sure of what I wanted in life. If it's a good life, then I am working towards it. Now that it's a new beginning, I want to be a focused individual.
Chris was my roommate; he was a simple guy who strived to be a "bad boy." I don't know why many boys want to be "bad," but from experience, everything that accompanied this personality was incredible apart from the damaged reputation. Chris was from a wealthy family, and money played an imperative role in his social life. He went to parties, and to some extent, every girl loved him. Technically speaking, I also went to parties, but then I realized being good also has its disadvantages. Nobody pays attention to what you are doing, in addition to not caring about your existence. I did not anticipate this, but I had to embrace it. After adopting the campus life, the reality then dawned that I spent almost all nights of my first semester outside the shared apartment because Chris had some girl come over. This wasn't easy with the personality I was trying to embrace because nobody paid attention to my life despite talking to people.
I missed the other me who always got what he wanted: the person who gave orders and the respected individual. Maybe my being with every girl, Chris thinks that he is respected and can do anything he ...
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