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Rhetorical Analysis: Why Building any Walls is Impractical

Essay Instructions:

Choose a text that really pisses you off (or at least a text that bothers you a lot and conjures negative emotions). Your chosen text can be nearly anything—a newspaper or magazine article you disagree with about a political/cultural issue, an offensive YouTube video, a disturbing speech, a bothersome advertisement, a heinous t-shirt, etc . . .
Regardless, choose a textual message or topic that is important to you—one that you are interested in. Perhaps a topic that is related to your academic and/or career interests.
Using rhetorical awareness, both rhetorically analyze your loathsome text AND use your rhetorical know-how to construct a compelling and successful counterargument that presents a better argument than that of the text you have chosen to refute.
You may organize your analysis/(counter)argument however you want (though we will discuss some structural possibilities for this paper in class). Just make sure to utilize the rhetorical/ argumentative/persuasive concepts & techniques in our book and from our class discussions.(logoes,pathos, ethos)
GUIDELINES: MLA Format, 12-Point Times New Roman font, double spaced, around three (3) typed pages. Give your paper an interesting title.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Your University of Affiliation
The Big Wall of Trump
Your Name
Your Subject and Section
Your Professor’s Name
October 4, 2017
Ever since his election campaign, President Donald Trump has announced that one of his plans, when he becomes elected, is to build a massive wall in the U.S.-Mexico border in order to thwart the number of illegal immigrants who are trying to cross from Mexico to the U.S. in the search of the American Dream. At first hearing of this statement, most of the U.S. citizens have a split reaction when it comes to the idea, with one side saying that it is incredibly insane and impractical, while the other stating that this would solve the issue of illegal immigration that the U.S. has tried to cure for decades. Now, at first glance, the idea that there are a lot of people who are supportive of the project would seem ridiculous, especially considering the fact that the massive amount of money could simply be used for other purposes such as education and healthcare. However, the main reason why many of the American citizens support this idea is that of the fact that they believe that illegal immigration takes away a number of jobs which are supposedly for them. In line with this statement, I believe that in order to make people understand that the wall is not necessary, the argument must mostly hinge on the question ‘why would the wall not stop immigrants’ and less on ‘how to get the funding for the wall’. This is because the first statement directly addresses the issue that the people feel. In the succeeding section, I would analyze the article written by Colvin, where he states that “building a solar wall, is a bright idea”.
Why Building any Walls is Impractical
According to recent numbers published by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, when it comes to the number of illegal immigrants a significantly larger number of this population has travelled through airways rather than crossing the physical border through other means. This is mainly because of the fact that even without the wall itself, crossing through the border is dangerous, especially because one of the main ways those immigrants do it is through the Rio Grande River. Aside from this, another study done by many scholars and institutions in the U.S. the issue of the reduc...
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