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Assignment Three (Gladwell, Armstrong, and Siebert)

Essay Instructions:

Malcolm Gladwell, “The Power of Context…” pp 148-164
Karen Armstrong, “Homo Religiosus” pp 1-23
Charles Siebert, “An Elephant Crackup?” pp 351-367
Why is it, in matters of human behavior, change is so hard to predict? According to Malcolm Gladwell, a journalist and social critic, we seldom see the real causes of social change because we pay too much attention to the big picture. Instead, we need to start with the little things.
Malcolm Gladwell demonstrates that social change tends to happen in a nonlinear way. Sometimes small changes can trigger enormous shifts in the ways people think and act.
Drawing on ideas like the Broken Window Theory and The Power of Context, make an argument about how one might set the stage for a change in the way people think about the natural world.
What tipping point might bring about the interspecies understanding Siebert wants us to see? What can we learn from Armstrong's account about how greater closeness to nature might require a different form of consciousness?
Midterm requirements
Complete your midterm examination on October 25th in class within the allotted time.
The midterm will be graded pass/fail
The midterm will be available on my desk in the Writing Center in room L203 after.
Rough Draft Requirements
Assignment due November 1st. No extensions.
Minimum 4 typed, double-spaced pages. Please number these pages.
1-inch margins and 12-point, Times New Roman font. Printed on both sides. Stapled in the upper left corner.
Use MLA documentation for citations from the text (see A Pocket Style Manual for guidelines).
Please bring four copies of your paper on November 1st for peer review.
Late papers will result in a one-half letter grade deduction from the final paper grade for each day it is late.
Please post a copy of your paper to Sakai. Note: this is in addition to giving me a hard copy of the paper in class.
Final Draft Requirements
Assignment due November 8th. No extensions.
Minimum 5 typed, double-spaced pages. Please number these pages.
1-inch margins and 12-point, Times New Roman font. Printed on both sides. Stapled in the upper left corner.
Use MLA documentation for citations from the text (see A Pocket Style Manual for guidelines).
Late papers will result in a one-half letter grade deduction from the final paper grade for each day it is late.
Please post a copy of your paper to Sakai. Note: this is in addition to giving me a hard copy of the paper in class.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
19 October 2017
Assignment Three: An Analysis Paper on the Views of Gladwell, Armstrong and Siebert
Society is full of people having varied perspectives, opinions in life and how things work. The process of thinking and arriving at definite solutions, principles and beliefs, prove to be unique or different from every individual being since we were all made to be diverse. This paper focuses on the arguments and separate ideologies formulated by three great authors, Gladwell, Armstrong and Seibert in correlation with the ideas in the Broken Window Theory and the Power of Context. The society goes through changes not only with its physical structure but also with the social, economic and political factors within a community and nation, which go through a process of change. The strong values and beliefs of the people affect the direction of the leadership of the nation and how a country develops. Life is full of questions and not all of it could be answered. From the beginning of birth up to old age, people asks the very reason for their existence. In this paper, three authors explain their different views, share their opinions, and defend the same. Their outlook in life helps the readers to gain more knowledge and experience on how to settle disputes or what particular type of response must be given on certain issues and problems. Gladwell, Armstrong and Seibert have focused and discussed topics and issues that are considered taboo or risky. Their primary aim is to provide solutions that will help give peace in the community and prevent the spread of violence and crime.
Argument: An individual sets the stage for a change through the fundamental principles and beliefs created by such individual in response to the environment, history and background he came from. The past experiences affect the overall behavioral pattern and mental state of an individual.
The Major Principles of Gladwell, Armstrong and Seibert
The Power of Context describes that behavior plays a huge part and is deemed to be a function of social context whereby even the smallest things in the society matter. Accordingly, “people do not need to look for big problems to solve in order to end crimes in the society and could start by fixing little things such as helping and teaching the kids to do what is right, to follow rules and regulations so that when they grow up, they will be a part of the good citizens of the nation who prevents crimes and are pro-active in solving criminal offenses and petty crimes” (Gladwell, 2000). The consequences of major crimes were explained to have come from small offenses and misdemeanors as discussed in the Broken Window Theory. This theory elaborates on the creation and foundation of offenses, which turn into large-scale criminal acts. More so, personal dispositions when overestimated could lead to consequences and might disregard and underestimate the impact of situations. Mostly, major crimes came from the commission of smaller crimes as explained by Gladwell. Such knowledge of this principle helps in the planning of governmental projects that will work hand in hand with the law enforcement agencies and the political departments in protecting the community. The tipping point that brings about interspecies in understanding what another author named Siebert wants us to see is the example of the life of an elephant. Wha...
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