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400 - 600 words, 30pts) (A) How has your understanding of the complex relations between place, power, and culture changed over the course of the semester? Look back at your own work, as well as readings, lectures, and videos from class. Feel free to draw on your own personal experiences as well as studies in other courses. (B) Which unit stood out to you the most and why? How did the material from that unit connect to the rest of the course, and did it shape your thinking? 2. (1000-1500 words, 60pts) Provide an example/case that you can use to discuss the relationship between place and power, and answer the question: how does power shape place? We have looked at a range of examples of the ways in which places are shaped by power relations – the cases of displacement in Yellowstone, development programs, music, etc. The goal of this assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of concepts we have explored in this course by applying them to an example or a case of your choosing from outside the course. Concepts could include, for example, power, discourse, culture, place, space, identity, uneven d/Development, resistance, displacement, place-making, global sense of place, difference, identity, belonging, and colonialism. Of course, as the course is titled, place, power, and culture should be central to your analysis. It will likely be helpful to refer to some of our conceptual texts (e.g. Cresswell, Hall, Massey, Agnew, etc.) Your case could be based on a particular place, a development project, a historical process, or on topics in the course (e.g. being disabled in California). You cannot use any of the examples from the class and must draw from reliable sources. Past examples of successful papers focused on housing, homelessness, or gentrification in a particular place, land back and indigenous movements, a national park, hip hop in the Bronx, creating wilderness in Death Valley, the relationship between colonialism and development, identity in Catalan Spain, colonial legacies in Puerto Rico, Christianity in Ghana, and Wall street. Choose a place or topic of interest to you! Possible questions to inspire your thinking and writing: • Where is your case study located? • Whose place is it, and who might feel ‘out of place’? • How does/has power shaped place in this example? • How do global processes influence place? • How are people made to feel ‘out of place’? • Why are certain people/places deemed less important than others? • Is scale important when thinking about power and place?

Essay Instructions:
Question 1 – The answer reflects a broad understanding of the course material and an aeempt to think about it as a whole, and from the perspeccve of the student’s own learning process. Clear and concise definicons of key terms that reflect an understanding of the materials and also the class discussions and lectures. 30 Question 2 – Case study is well researched, shows a good understanding of the place of choice, and clearly describes the role of power in shaping the place chosen for the study. 60 Writing: Responses are clearly wrieen and logically organized 5 Citations: Sources are cited using in-text 5
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Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Code Date Place, Power, and Culture Part 1 Over this semester, my understanding of the relationship between place, power, and culture has changed significantly. I have continually gained a deeper understanding as the semester progressed. For example, I have understood that it is impossible to discuss power without mentioning culture. Power and culture complement each other, and thus, it is essential to understand how both terms are connected. However, the culture tends to be challenging since it involves historical, philosophical, and political schools of thought. Alternatively, power and space are interlaced in people's lives as they make the world we exist in and how it is run. Thus, it is only possible to have one with the other. The “notion” of an emergent movement (its power, space, and place) is a new “fact-in-reality” (Murphy 247). Established movements are essentially conservative constructs and subjects to uphold their space. On the other hand, power is controlled and centralized in every society and most movements via a system that guarantees that there are privileged individuals. The occurrence of new preoccupation with the establishment of open space is substantial due to its restored insights. Social action and resistance are rooted in individual knowledge and experience created in people’s lives, communities, and places. Additionally, cultural signification is vital in describing the power relationship in a certain community. Culture is crucial in helping individuals understand what power means to them. It also impacts how power is conceptualized, its effects, and who attains it (Torelli et al. 1). Power is viewed differently from one person to another, depending on their cultural understanding. Consequently, the cultural orientation of certain people affects how they describe power. It is common for people with intellectual power to create some groups aiming to develop a counterculture. Understanding the relationship between place, power, and culture has proved essential in my learning, enabling me to gain a deeper awareness of their role and impacts.  One unit that stood out to me the most was the relationship between theory and open shared experience and reflection. Learning about this unit has allowed me to understand that in the exchange between knowledge and experience, between theory and practice, theory mainly governs practice rather than the obverse. This unit taught me key issues that incorporate the academy's power, including its role in social engineering and thought control. Furthermore, I have learned that approximately all theory is constructed on the unseen foundation of unchallenged assumptions, syntax, grammar, and givens (Murphy 254). My thinking has changed as it has challenged me to think critically about the narratives that shape peoples' understanding of theory and open shared experience and reflection. Part 2 Over the years, there has been an increased discussion about the relationship between power and how it shapes place. Even though there have been different cases of how power influences a place, one perfect example is how Tony Hsieh used his influence as Zappos CEO to transform the neglected neighborhood of Downtown Las Vegas through his wealth and vision. This paper will discuss the economic, cultural, and social power that shaped the Downtown Las Vegas Trajectory within Hseih's leadership and the common challenges he faced. Hsieh showed economic power in his transformation of the downturn in Las Vegas. One of the important economic factors that influence the transformation of a place is financial resources. The main reason is it is usually costly to transform a place. Hsieh's huge financial reso...
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