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Demand for Audience Measurement and Uses of Cases for the Data

Essay Instructions:

1. Analyze demand and use cases for the data.
2. How has that demand changed over the last 5-10 years, and how will it change in the next 5 years?
3. Where are current "traditional" audience measurement systems beginning to break?
4. Prediction of the future of audience measurement.
5. How will the the future of audience measurement development.
6. Recommendations Concluded

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Future of Audience Measurement
Nowadays audiences are consuming content in many ways more than ever before and as a matter of facts they are consuming more of it. In fact, in the first quarter of the year 2017, an average American who is eighteen years and above spent more than eleven hours daily viewing different contents different devices and other platforms. This is good news for those who are creating these contents and advertisers. Currently, there are many devices that can be used by consumers to access contents of their choice. Due to ever increasing number of the devices that are providing different contents to audiences, there is a need for audience measurement. According to Napoli, audience measurement is away for determining how many people are in a given audience, mostly in relation to television viewership, radio listenership (2). There is also audience measurement in relations to magazine and newspaper readership, and also increasingly web traffic on websites. With the ever growing number of devices that have been brought by the advancement of technology, there is need to determine the future of audience measurement.
This essay examines the future of audience measurement and also analysis of demand and use cases for the data.
Analysis of Demand for Audience Measurement and Uses of Cases for the Data
An ability to identify and measurement of a single view of different audience’s consumption of media contents, and therefore audience measurement has been treated as a major breakthrough in the industry. The demand for audience measurement has significantly increased because there is need for a combined understanding of television and online consumption that has helped in the improvement of both media planning as well as campaign effectiveness. It enables media owners, set-top box operators, and broadcasters a clear picture of as to when and how audiences are consuming their contents. It has attracted high demand due to fact that audience measurement gives different agencies and advertisers a lot of granular information to assist with planning and evaluation their integrated campaigns. It is also important to remember that as advertisers are increasingly focusing on integrating across media campaigns, the demand for databases that combine television audience measurement and also demand for online audience measurement has also increased significantly. There are different organizations that are providing these services and are capable of meeting the demand with a combined data that can be accessed easily through a platform known as Instar Analytics (Napoli, 6).
How Has the Demand for Audience Measurement Changed over the last 5-10 Years, and How it Will Change for the Next Five Years
For the last ten years, revolution in the digital platform has hit the media industry really hard. Audiences through platforms like print media have really declined, and on the other hand digital audiences have grown significantly. These changes have also in a great way altered the business income and affordability of the audience measurement have also underpinned; for the case of traditional creators of media contents, and for that matter revenues received in the digital platform have not been able to keep pace with the digital audience. Therefore, for that matter profitability in the industry has been greatly been undermined and necessary belts have been tightened. For the last five to ten years, are now operating in the cross-platform measurement. There has also been increase in the programmatic buying, and more granular data than ever been there before that time. In today’s world consumers are watching more of television more than ever, that has made it necessary for the marketers to understand what the audience are watching as this is an essential part of marketing campaign. Currently, there are multiple screens that viewers can choose from, and for that reason; one of the renowned companies for measuring audience Nielsen have been able to integrate audience measurement in different countries, across televisions, PCs and even mobile phones, this will enable them to help their clients to create a precise cross-platforms plans (Napoli,79).
In the next five years, it has been projected that there will be increased use of programmatic; however, it will holistically consist of more variables that are not only targeting, cost, and reach, but also the context, recency and the impact of ROI weighting. There will also be much larger sizes of samples and also new methodologies above those currently in use shall be needed so as to provide for accurate and precise measurement of these customized audiences to be integrated across both addressable and non-addressable media and audiences (Smith et al.,26)
Current Traditional Audience Measurement Systems are beginning to Break Into
When the famous series known as Limitless came to an end on Tuesday September, it had 9.9 million people watching on CBS television; in today’s world where TV is almost everywhere, that would be nothing had it not been for the limitless considering the deluge of programming on everything ranging from Netflix to YouTube there are more than 10 miollion pairs of eyeballs for new series is quite impressive. Due advancement in technology that is taking place in the world at a much faster, there is need for the measurement of audience to be upgraded. For that reason, in the year 2007, Nielsen was able to introduce an integrated Newspaper audience metric; that is the total of the weekly print and also weekly website audience. By the year 2011, as a way for catching up with the developments that were taking place, the Nielsen started measuring the e-editions of newspaper and they were able to incorporate that group of audience into the Integrated Newspaper Audience. On that very same year 2011, as a way for catching up with the trend Nielsen introduced a measure for the audience that was reading newspaper on their mobile devices (Webster and Thomas, 39).
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