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Briefly Describe The Plot Of The Film And The Group Members

Essay Instructions:

The objective of this assignment is for you to apply and demonstrate an understanding of small group concepts through the analysis of a film. The film should include a small group of individuals who communicate with each from the beginning to the end of the movie. Also, make sure to select a film that allows you to answer the 6 questions listed below. Some films that have been used are The Avengers, Zootopia, Saving Private Ryan, Deepwater Horizon, 12 Angry Men, Apollo 13, Remember the Titans, Lord of the Rings, Spotlight, Toy Story. After you select your film, you are ready to begin applying group concepts to the film by answering the following questions.
Most of the information can be found in "Groups and Teams Defined" (pgs. 232-255) and "What Effective Group Members Do" (pgs. 260-285) on electronic library reserve.
Group Background (12 pts.): Briefly describe the plot of the film and the group members. Would you consider the group a team (pgs. 232-236)? Why? Discuss the four phases of group/team development as they relate the group in the film (pgs. 249-251).
Group Roles (10 pts.): Identify two task roles, two social roles, and two individual roles that are performed by group members (not two roles for each member) (pgs. 242-243)? How do the roles affect the group? What does the group do to manage the individual roles?
Leadership (9 pts.): Explain what kind of leaders the group has (designated? emergent? implied? As defined on wilderness roundtable handout). Discuss the effectiveness of the style of leadership used by group members (pgs. 275-277)? Discuss power as it relates to the group (pgs. 244-246).
Conflict (9 pts.): Would you describe the climate as supportive or defensive or a mix of both? Why (identify climate behaviors as listed on roundtable #1 paper assignment)? Describe the conflict that the group experienced (substantive, affective, procedural)? How does the group manage the conflict (research the 5 conflict management styles: avoidance, accommodation, competition, compromise, and collaboration)? Explain whether groupthink affected their decision-making.
Diversity (5 pts.): Discuss the diversity of the group members (see definition below on diversity). How does diversity (or lack of) affect the group's goal/purpose? Discuss at two ways that individual(s) in the group worked to bridge differences as provided on the list below?
Group Synergy (5 pts.): Would you say that the group in the film achieved synergy? Why or why not? In your discussion, mention a strength and a weakness of the group dynamics/interaction.
In order to write a credible paper, you must support your ideas with examples from the movie as well as information from your text and notes. Your paper must be neat, grammatically correct, and technically accurate (use MLA format if you take material directly from the text). Ten points will be deducted from your grade if you fail to meet any of the stated requirements. Your paper must be typed (single-spaced, 12 pt.).
Diversity: Human differences result in the potential for misunderstanding and miscommunication. Differences in age, cognitive style, culture, economic background, education, ethnicity, gender, physical appearance, personality, political affiliation, race, religious beliefs, and sexual orientation contribute to the challenge of communicating with others.

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Film Analysis Paper
Briefly describe the plot of the film and the group members. Would you consider the group a team? Why? Discuss the four phases of group/team development as they relate the group in the film.
The film under study is The Avengers: Age of Ultron and team to analyze is composed of Iron Man, Black Widow, Captain America, Hulk, Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton, Thor, and Vision. This group considers themselves the saviors of the world and true to their word, they have always been there when the world was in trouble or was invaded. In this movie, however, the evil comes from the work of Iron Man or Tony Stark as he is referred to in the movie. Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) is a genius, and his prowess drives him to build a program that would help keep the world safe. However, the program turns hostile and soon develops an army of its own with the sole purpose of fighting and ending The Avengers. As is the always the case, the group knows it is stronger and better when it works together and therefore, join hands to defeat Ultron while helping to prevent world extinction.
Yes, I would consider this group a team. First of all, for a group to be considered a team, it must have clearly defined goals. Additionally, “team members spend time discussing how to accomplish the goals of the team. Their work is coordinated to avoid duplication of effort” (234). In the movie from 1:37, the leader, Captain America provides the team with a goal and clearly states that it is indeed their priority to ensure the people of Sokovia are safe. The team has a clear goal, and everyone from that point goes into the war knowing what they are supposed to do. From the scenes that follow, every member seems to be working towards a specific goal while accomplishing their goal.
The group in this movie is not new to each other and therefore, the orientation phase is not relevant. However, the conflict phase is indeed relevant, and the group members find themselves at loggerheads while trying to find a common goal. “As group members become more comfortable and oriented toward the task and one another, they start asserting opinions about the group should be doing and who should be doing it” (249-250). Slowly, the group’s conflict phase reduces as the group solidifies towards a common point. In the movie, once the group discovered Tony Stark’s mistake, they were all against him, and Thor was even ready for war. However, as the movie continues, they soon rediscover their mission and goal and set their minds towards protecting Sokovia. As the group comes to fight Ultron, one discovers that they have indeed assumed a sense of “we.”
Group Roles: Identify two task roles, two social roles, and two individual roles that are performed by group members (not two roles for each member)? How do the roles affect the group? What does the group do to manage the individual roles?
Task roles – Initiator/Contributor and Information giver.
Two Social Roles – Harmonizer and Compromiser.
Individual Roles – Recognition seeker and Dominator.
The above roles, for example, harmonizer, compromiser, information giver, and initiator/contributor drive the group towards the goal of protecting the people and keeping everyone safe. However, the roles of recognition seeker and dominator only work to drive a divisive wedge among the members.
To manage the individual roles, the group reminds themselves of their goal and their responsibility to the people.
Leadership: Explain what kind of leader the group has (designated? Emergent? Implied? As defined on wilderness roundtable handout). Discuss the effectiveness...
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