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Summary for Tyranny of the Mob

Essay Instructions:

for my library research skills class the following task was given: (i will attach slides on the article since it is not accessible to you)

Response Essay
Read the following article. Write a 1-2 page summary of the article that highlights the main points. (Note, use the PDF version of the article so that page numbers are included in your in-text citations.)
http://libproxy(dot)ocean(dot)edu:2048/login?url=http://search(dot)ebscohost(dot)com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=117520613&site=ehost-live&scope=site (Links to an external site.)
Stein, J. (2016). Tyranny of the Mob. (Cover story). Time, 188(8), 26-32.

Your summary MUST include:
-Two direct quotes PROPERLY cited in MLA format.
-At least one example of paraphrasing, also properly cited using in-text citations. (Please mark the part that is paraphrased by highlighting the text.)
-Works cited page done in MLA format.

The assignment will be graded on the quality of the summary, the inclusion of quoted material, and the proper use of in-text citations.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Summary for Tyranny of the Mob
The reading is generally about trolls, which critically make the internet full of violence and aggression towards some people. It is likely to be increasingly harmful to most individuals, especially after watching the content revealing trolling cases. This condition is never a better aspect at personal and societal levels due to its harmful nature. Most importantly, trolls do whatever they do best primarily to seek cheap attention from the audience accessing their content. Every detail or rumor they spread, whether small or big, poses far-reaching consequences and can be depressing to the particular victims involved. Being cautious with whatever happens online would mean being smart since the web’s nature has transformed significantly. The internet was once an excellent platform with a transparent flow of information, but currently, it is detrimental, especially to troll victims’ mental health. From the technical perspective, the web is ready and willing to enhance perhaps the upload speed. However, it can run someone into depression and worsen the situation even more. Psychologists refer to it as an online disinhibiting influence, whereby elements such as lack of authority, anonymity, and invisibility destroy the values communities built or developed (Howard et al. 311). Trolls are only a device away from us and can easily intrude on every aspect of our lives if we are not keen on them.
           Stein claims, “The people who relish this online freedom are called trolls (Stein 26).” This word initially arose from a fishing technique that online robbers utilize to locate potential victims. The term used denotes monsters concealing in darkness to scare human beings. Web-based trolls have a sorts manifesto tha...
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