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Critical Analysis of an Article on Universities Disparity Related to Endowment Funds

Essay Instructions:

Directions: Using the article you read, write a 2-3 page paper responding to the article.


You will use one quotation with a citation from the article, one paraphrase with a citation and one summary with a citation in MLA format. We will do a peer edit in class next week. To make it easier for your peer editor, please highlight your sources (paraphrase, summary and quotations) that you use in your paper.

This assignment is to help you specifically use the research tools of paraphrase, summary and quotation in a manner that is going to assist you in avoiding plagiarism.

You will need to:

Have a clear sense of the central idea or the argument that is presented in the article.

Convey this idea in a brief summary of the article in the first paragraph and your response to the central idea. Do you think the author did a good job in supporting his ideas? How? This will be the idea that your thesis will address. Your thesis will go at the end of your introduction.

Next, discuss how the author used facts and ideas to support his idea. You will reference specific details and incidents from the article as evidence for your claims (with correct MLA citations, whether quoting, summarizing or paraphrasing). This is the crucial part of your paper, as it will demonstrate whether you are able to paraphrase and summarize the material correctly. Then, discuss in the paper why these facts and ideas work, how does it make the author convincing? Are the ideas he writes about credible? Why?

Conclude your paper with restating the thesis in a different way and why this idea matters to the U.S. economy.

Please include your Works Cited listing for this article. Here is the link, scroll

Down and find how to cite a website.


How to best use source for this assignment

You will need to use evidence from this article to support your ideas in your reflection paper. I suggest that you copy and paste the section of source that you are using and attach it to the end of your paper, so I can see the text that you originally used. Here is an example of how it should look.

Original Source from article: Women spent much more time on Facebook then men, and experienced significantly more jealousy when doing so. The researchers concluded they “felt the Facebook environment created these feelings and enhanced concerns about the quality of their relationship”.

Summary I used- Brown in the BBC article reports (this is how MLA wants you to cite this source) that jealousy is a real problem, more so for women than it is for men when they use Facebook and they report that it affects their relationships.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Critical Analysis of an Article on Universities Disparity Related to Endowment Funds
The authors of this article highlight using data how wealthy universities, such as Harvard, Columbia, and Cornwell, manage to get high endowment funds and gifts from their wealthy alumni. Conversely, other non-profit universities could not generate such significant endowment funds due to American society’s unequal distribution of wealth. Using facts and figures to explain the inequality related to endowment funds, the authors explain how wealthy institutions began to utilize their vast endowments in investments. At the same time, other colleges and universities failed to do so. Moreover, few wealthy institutions have aggressive portfolio management policies but spend only 5% of the total endowment funds. As a result of this financial inequality, an undergraduate from lower social strata experience heavy debts. Since such indebted students do not attend wealthy universities, they always need loans since their universities do not provide them with many scholarships (Kimball and Sarah).
Consequently, the authors, using data and facts, depict a realistic picture of the financial inequality in American higher education institutions. So it is safe to assume that this article provides a realistic view of the financial disparity between higher educational institutions in the United States. Moreover, besides the discussion made in the article, the ground realities also corroborate the fact that wealthy universities are practicing monopoly in terms of the endowment fund. For the same reason, these universities have become a favorite place of only the wealthy strata of society; this disparity is the cause of the growing dropout ratio and financial burden on students of lower social strata.
Evidence Provided in the Body Paragraph
The authors utilize several factual aspects of current and previous practices to highlight this financial inequality. For instance, they reveal that only 3% of the total 3,300 non-profit institutions of higher education hold 80% of the total endowment fund; moreover, they elaborate on how the endowment fund of rich universities increases. For this purpose, they explain that since their alumni are wealthy, they receive precious financial gifts from their alumni; in this way, their donations increase proportionally to the increase in their annual endowment fund (Kimball and Sarah). The authors also provide a brief but accurate historical background of the endowment funds granted to wealthy universities. In this regard, they reveal how in the late nineteenth century, renowned began accumulating endowment funds as a better source of income than other sources of revenue. In doing so, the authors build up a steady and factual timeline of the development of endowment funds of these universities that generated si...
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