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1 pages/≈275 words
Communications & Media
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 3.96

Social Media: Can Create Social Isolation

Essay Instructions:

I need a peer review of the document attached.

I also attached a peer-review guide on how it should be written.

You will construct 200-word minimum responses that comments on the strengths and weaknesses of the writer’s draft, and what you believe could be done to improve the paper.

Ideally, I want you to comment on a person’s draft in a natural setting; don’t treat this as a “formal” assignment, but as if you were commenting back to someone in a classroom discussion, focusing on areas of strength, but giving that person direction about what you think could make the draft stronger. You might want to use language in your response like, “I like the way this draft started because…”; “I got confused when…”; “I had to back up and reread when…”; “I saw your point here, but then I got lost again because…” Phrases like this allow for the reader to get a better picture of where problems are happening. You will construct 200-word minimum responses that comments on the strengths and weaknesses for each writer’s draft, and what you believe could be done to improve the paper. Everyone’s draft will be at a different point, so it might be helpful to use the general suggestions below as a guide as you construct your feedback.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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The article “Social Media: Can Create Social Isolation” examines how people isolate themselves from the real world by concentrating too much on social media. I like the way this article started because it highlights some of the famous social media platforms and how people are burying themselves inside social media cocoons, especially during this pandemic. The article’s title and the introduction effectively present the problem and reinforce its understanding using definitions from the Oxford dictionary and quotes from Emma Seppala of Emma Seppala of the Stanford Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education.
Despite highlighting the underlying problem, the article does not offer any solution. For instance, the article indicates that some people struggle to...
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