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Sexual Harassment in Hollywood (Women)

Essay Instructions:

Guidelines for Media Analysis:

“Double spaced” MLA

The purpose of the Media Analysis Paper is to develop your information literacy and your gender analytical skills by looking at how the media treats issues of gender since Donald Trump became president. The time frame is from January 21, 2017 to today.

Exploring gender-related topics: To explore gender-related topics develop search terms such as women’s reproductive rights, immigrant rights, healthcare reform, sexual harassment, the First Lady, Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, Bill O’Reilly, domestic violence, etc. These are just examples. You should come up with your own search terms. After you have come down with a list of search terms of at least five, but can be more, do electronic searches using these search terms to find out more about these topics. Google, news.google.com and Twitter are useful starting points.

Finding your sources: Develop a list of ten news outlets from a variety of different media (social media, newspapers, blogs, websites of TV channels like CNN, Fox News, Democracy Now, The Real News etc.). Classify the news outlets. Are they private media corporations, non-profit news outlets, social media? Are they left or right wing? Draw a table to visualize your findings and include it in your paper. Select three different types of media for your paper from this list, for example, a TV news show, online news, a blog AND select one topic from the list of search terms.

Gather a sample of news items on the selected topic that you will analyze (at least 3 for each media type) for each type of media. Try to select news items from different types of news outlets that have different political stands. Read and classify your news items: Are they opinion pieces? Blogs? News articles, or featured articles that analyze a topic at length? A popular show? A controversial show? (Opinion pieces can be letters to the editor, op-eds, columns, or editorials. News pieces are straightforward articles and shows which report on the latest events in the world. Feature stories are usually more in-depth pieces, sometimes lighter pieces, and often profile stories) Draw a second table that describes your selected news items and include it in your paper

Take notes of where each story ran in the newspaper or magazine, TV channels and websites. Observe if a story ran on the front page, the national, international, business, or metro section, or if it was published in the lifestyles, arts, sports, or a special section. Then immerse yourself in the news items. Determine how stories are framed, the sources of information they provided, the underlying messages, the gender biases, the political motivation, their ethical commitments, their ideas of gender (in)justice and service to the public. Determine and explain how the articles promote a progressive, feminist, or a conservative political agenda or how it affects women and men.

Write a six-page essay, which describes your research process and your major findings. Use academic conventions using MLA or APA formats.

What I have done:

Search terms: Media analysis paper

- 6 papes with a chart of media outlets

- #Metoo movement ✅

- Film sexual harassment✅

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Professor’s Name:
Sexual Harassment in Hollywood (Women)
Part 1
Develop search terms – 5 terms
#metoo movement
Tom Sizemore
Hollywood sexual harassment
Harvey Weinstein
Matt Lauer
Part 2
Media Outlets


Left or Right


Private Corporation

Left wing


Private Corporation

Left wing

USA Today

Private Corporation

Left wing

Fox News

Private Corporation

Right wing

The New York Times

Private Corporation

Left wing

The Washington Post

Private Corporation

Left wing


Private Corporation

Left wing


Private Corporation

Left wing


Private Corporation

Left wing

Vanity fair

Private Corporation

Left wing

Part 3
Fox News, New York Times, and The Washington Post
News Items

What they are

#MeToo has done what the law could not by Catherine A. MacKinnon

Opinion piece

The shame of the MeToo men by Michelle Goldberg

Opinion piece

The #MeToo Moment: For U.S. gymnasts, why did justice take so long? By Carla Correa


Hillary Clinton’s willful misunderstanding of the #MeToo movement by Eugene Scott

Opinion piece

The Kavanaugh controversy is a #MeToo victory – however, it turns out by Batya Ungar-Sargon


Defending Kavanaugh, Trump laments #MeToo as ‘very dangerous’ for powerful men by Philip Rucker


#MeToo has morphed into a career-destroying angry mob by Kyle Smith

Opinion piece

Kavanaugh chaos: Democrats are sinking the #MeToo movement in politics. Can it survive? By Frank Miniter

Opinion piece

A male backlash against #MeToo is brewing by Kyle Smith

Opinion piece

Part 4
New York Times
* #MeToo has done what the law could not by Catherine A. MacKinnon (Opinion Piece)
This article run on the New York Times website and was published under the opinion section.
* The shame of the MeToo men by Michelle Goldberg (Opinion Piece)
This article run on the New York Times website and was published under opinion pieces (Sunday Review)
* The #MeToo Moment: For U.S. gymnasts, why did justice take so long? By Carla Correa (Editorial)
This article run on the New York Times website and was published under the US section.
The Washington Post
* Hillary Clinton’s willful misunderstanding of the #MeToo movement by Eugene Scott (Opinion Piece)
This article run on the Washington Post website under the section politics in the category known as The Fix.
* The Kavanaugh controversy is a #MeToo victory – however, it turns out by Batya Ungar-Sargon (Op-ed).
This article appeared on the Washington Post website under the section known as Outlook and a category of articles that is called PostEverything.
* Defending Kavanaugh, Trump laments #MeToo as ‘very dangerous’ for powerful men by Philip Rucker (Column)
This article as well did appear on the Washington Post website under the section politics but with no specific category.
Fox News
* #MeToo has morphed into a career-destroying angry mob by Kyle Smith (Opinion Piece, ran on twitter)
This article run on Fox News’s website under the section known as opinion.
* Kavanaugh chaos: Democrats are sinking the #MeToo movement in politics. Can it survive? By Frank Miniter (Opinion Piece)
This article as well run on the Fox News’s website under the section known as opinion.
* A male backlash against #MeToo is brewing by Kyle Smith (Opinion piece)
This story was captured by the Fox News anchor Martha MacCallum before Kyle Smith wrote about it. It thus first run as a news story and then as an article under the section Opinion.
Part 5
Determine how stories are framed, sources of information provided, underlying messages, gender biases, political motivation, ethical commitments, ideas of gender injustice and service to the public. Determine and explain how the articles promote a progressive, feminist, or a conservative political agenda or how it affects women and men.
New York Times
* #MeToo has done what the law could not by Catherine A. MacKinnon (Opinion Piece)
This story is framed to fit or to help propel the agenda of the #MeToo movement. The author did not make use of any sources in the article but did manage to start a conversation. The underlying message was that it is good that the movement has finally helped people to start talking about sexual assault. There are no instances in the article that seem to suggest that it is politically motivated. By shining a light on gender injustice, I believe the article is doing great service to the public.
* The shame of the MeToo men by Michelle Goldberg (Opinion Piece)
This story is framed to start a conversation. It is a story that does not appear to lean towards a single side but appears to start a conversation. While there are those who would say that it favors women, there are those who would understand its objectivity in assessing the situation. I for one believe that it promotes progressive agenda because of its goal to help ensure that gender injustice issue is discussed at length and people are made aware of some of the important things they could be missing in the entire discussion.
* The #MeToo Moment: For U.S. gymnasts, why did justice take so long? By Carla Correa (Editorial)
This article is framed as a question and through it all, the author appears to ask a question that few can answer. The sources used are indeed credible and the underlying message is that it might have taken longer for the gymnasts, but they have risen. They are energized and ready to speak their minds and voice their concerns. This article appears to promote feministic views because its goal and message is to the women. the author is concerned with the delay in justice but not keen to showcase that justice is indeed happening.
The Washington Post
* Hillary Clinton’s willful misunderstanding of the #MeToo movement by Eugene Scott (Opinion Piece)
First of all, this article appears to be framed and directed towards a progressive agenda. Well, this article handles a topic that has been hotly debated and discussed. While the author does not make use of a lot of sources, the message is quite clear. Gender justice should not be considered as the option when it suits a person. If it is the right thing to pursue, then it should be pursued.
* The Kavanaugh controversy is a #MeToo victory – however, it turns out by Batya Ungar-Sargon (Op-ed)
Well, this particular article was framed with a feministic agenda in mind. The author is not shy to throw her support towards the #MeToo movement but also point out some things that make the article a little feministic. She does make use of sources which help to offer her article some credibility. This article is polarizing in a way because it comes almost as a warning to the men and a confirmation to the women that their cries are being heard.
* Defending Kavanaugh, Trump laments #MeToo as ‘very dangerous’ for powerful men by Philip Rucker (Column)
In this article, the author appears to be focused on propelling the conservative political agenda. By using the #MeToo movement and dangerous in the same sentence, this article does appear to propel a conservative agenda. While it does not clearly support gender injustice, it does seek to paint a bad picture of the movement and this undermines the efforts of the women who are fighting at the forefront for its success.
Fox News
* #MeToo has morphed into a career-destroying angry mob by Kyle Smith (Opinion Piece, ran on twitter)
This article’s interest and framing were done so that it could influence and depict the #MeToo movement as a negative force. The idea behind the article was to diminish the feministic values that lie within the movement. Its effect on men is that is strengthened their opinion against the movement. However, the article did acknowledge the gender injustices and appeared to only voice a concern that is a result of the movement.
* Kavanaugh chaos: Democrats are sinking the #MeToo movement in politics. Can it survive? By Frank Miniter (Opinion Piece)
The message in this article is clear: While the #MeToo movement does stand for the truth, it is at the moment falling victim to the Democrats’ hypocrisy. This article serves to promote the conservative political agenda by depicting the Democratic party as the villain in the Brett Kavanaugh hearing. It does acknowledge gender injustice but it has a polarizing effect on men and women. Its goal is to sensitize men and women against the Democratic party’s ploy but wh...
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