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Phase III:Relate the Event to Theories and Concepts Discussed in Class

Essay Instructions:

Phase III (20 Points; Due: October 23, 2018): Next, you need to identify the topical relevance of the event or situation and relate it to the concepts and theories we discussed in class during the semester. In this phase of the project, explicate your theoretical framework so that you can analyze the specific event/situation. You should be able to relate the event to multiple theoretical approaches discussed during the semester.

What the writer all have to do is phase III

and I’ll upload the project instructions, previous phase I,phase II and some class ppt related to this project

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Phase III: Relate the Event to Theories and Concepts Discussed in Class
The incidence of flight 3411 where a 69-year-old passenger was dragged from an overbooked plane leaves several lessons for the aviation industry. The transport industry as a whole is tasked with the responsibility of serving clients. Several theories have been proposed by scholars when it comes to dealing with clients. Human Relations Management Theory is one of the theories covered in class that fits into the incident at the United Airlines. According to this theory, workers are motivated by social relationships. While it is true to argue that this theory focuses on the relationship among workers, an organization with a stable human relations management will not find it difficult for its employees extending the same service to the clients. According to Kramer (Chapter Four slide 17), managers are supposed to encourage use of persuasion instead of coercion. There are, however, cases where persuasion fails. According to Zdanowcz and Grinberg, the officers had tried to persuade the passenger to vacate his seat for a member of staff but the client had responded that he had an appointment with patients. The decision to forcefully remove him, from the plane was misleading. The manager could have opted for another alternative, including raising the offer of vacating the seat to at least $1350 to see if there was a volunteer.
One of the common phrases used in business is that the customer is always right. Additionally, the business owner should always stand behind the business by making sure that the customer receives the best service. This was not the case with the United Airlines. The company was motivated by making profits at the expense of prioritizing building good customer relations. According to Chung, United Airlines fired the officer that dragged the passenger from the overbooked flight. One cannot, however, underestimate the fact that the officer was responding to the instructions from the manager who had failed to convince the passenger to vacate the seat. The officer later on filed a lawsuit against the company claiming th...
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