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Op-Ed: How is NFT Affecting Media

Essay Instructions:

I NEED A 100-150 WORDS OP-ED PITCH IN 12 HOURS and you can finish the rest before 10/14

What is an Op-Ed?

Historically, newspapers have had a board of editorial writers who compose essays that take stances on important issues of the time. These are written collectively and generally go unsigned. The term op-ed means “opposite of the editorial page.” Op-eds are generally signed essays, submitted by specific columnists or by members of the public to provide a more diverse set of opinions on contemporary issues. Op-eds give writers an opportunity to make a succinct and persuasive case to audiences.


This assignment asks you to serve as a writer for an op-ed essay. This op-ed will be based on the subject you have selected for your final paper in this class.

This assignment consists of two parts:

A brief “pitch” E-mail to a specific media outlet that is your target publication (for instance, The New York Times, The Fordham Ram, The New York Daily News, among other possibilities). This pitch should briefly explain who you are, what you wrote, and why they should consider publishing it. The pitch should be about 100-150 words.

Your op-ed essay (about 750-1000 words), in which you clearly advocate for a position on a relevant social issue related to the subject you have selected for your final paper in this class. The op-ed can be oriented toward local, community-oriented, national or global concerns. It can be focused on a present topic or something more historical.

It should use hyperlinks to provide supporting evidence throughout (about 4-8 hyperlinks). This might include direct links to a relevant organization’s work, other media coverage of the issue, or relevant scholarly research. At least one of those hyperlinks should link back to an assigned course material.

You will receive feedback on your op-ed pitch, just like how a newspaper editor may respond to your pitch, that you should digest and incorporate into the framing of your op-ed essay.

What is the format of an Op-Ed?

There is no single way to write an op-ed, but there are several conventions that allow writers to accomplish their goals in a relatively brief amount of space. These conventions include:

Select an issue that has – or you believe should have – relevance to your audience.

Use the op-ed to clearly articulate a central point rather than address multiple issues.

Use the opening to demonstrate the relevance of the issue and concisely state your position.

Use the body to build your argument and address potential criticisms.

Use the conclusion to summarize key points, prompt readers to critically reflect or provide potential avenues for action.

Write in a personal style of journalistic writing that demonstrates your investment and connection to the issue, avoids unnecessary jargon, uses clear sentences and constructs shorter paragraphs.

See the additional resources in our Google Drive for more guidance on both op-ed writing and editing. We will use class time on 10/5 to workshop our pitches and give feedback to each other on our proposed op-eds. You will be expected to provide prompt and helpful editorial suggestions in class workshops.

Do I have to integrate course readings?

While op-ed essays are not academic research papers, writers often point to (and link) supporting evidence from scholars and researchers to help advance their arguments. You should make sure to have support for your arguments, and course readings are a useful place to find that support. As noted, at least one of your hyperlinks should link back to our course materials. You can also seek out outside scholarly research, policy documents, and journalistic writing to advance your case.

How will I be evaluated?

Top assignments will:

Meet all of the requirements of the prompt.

Match the op-ed style guide.

Thoughtfully engage with course concepts, theories, and issues.

Display clear and concise description and analysis.

Content, Research, Structure, and Style will all be taken into account for the grade of the Op-Ed, which will count for 5% of the final grade for the course

You can talk about how NFT is creating new markets and bringing new revenues to the media industry. The relationship between NFT and the media industry. But I will need 100-150 pitches in 12 hours. Thank you

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Course Section
Have you heard of NFTs? If that is the case, are you a fan of the latest craze? The Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) industry is growing faster than anyone could have predicted (Colicev). Several individuals and organizations are currently pursuing NFTs. Paris Hilton was one of the first and most well-known artists to participate in NFT. Hilton sold her digital cat painting for $17,000 in the late 2020s when NFTs were still relatively unknown (NFT, par. 7). Then, the NFT industry began to grow months later. Well-known figures such as celebrities and famous people in the entertainment industry have started to join the NFT craze. For example, the NBA sells NFT highlights through their product NBA Top Shot. They have already sold $400 million by 2021 (NFT, par. 10). Consider the number of money people can make by artwork of sale; is it not massive?
The NFT industry has recently received much media attention (Kraskouskas, par. 1). The media has immense power. It can present information that is deceptive to people or information that is beneficial to the public. Furthermore, the media can build or destroy a reputation. Some believe that the media is simply exciting NFT and attracting users. These users will soon lose money because they do not understand how the industry works. Several pieces of evidence, however, show that the media educates people rather than simply hyping the industry with falsities.
NFTs are digital assets based on blockchain that have unique codes. NFTs can take the form of digital music, art, photos, videos, and tweets. These items are reasonably priced and can be bought and sold. NFTs differ from bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies in that users cannot exchange them for one another (NFT, par. 3). Another feature that distinguishes NFTs from others is their unique identification of ownership, distinctiveness, and limited availability (Benjamin, par. 3). This feature of NFTs exemplifies great technological works. The use of NFTs emphasizes the value of ownership and authenticity in arts and collectibles. Furthermore, this feature facilitates crime prevention. Since NFTs are internet-based, they are vulnerable to cybercrime. However, because NFTs have unique codes that identify the owner, this feature ensures that it can prevent crimes (Mackenzie and Bērziņa).
Financial professionals and market researchers believe there is a link between NFTs and media. The media tended to exaggerate the benefits of certain investments while failing to warn about the risks involved, fueling market hype and increasing volatility and returns. Volatility describes the amount of risk an investor is willing to take. Since the difference between the initial and final investment price can vary greatly, high volatility provides the opportunity for a massive gain or loss. Hence, NFTs is a gamble (Kraskouskas, par. 4)...
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