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Multicultural Communication

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Title of the Final Project: Addressing Communication Challenges in Multicultural Organizations that Render Teams Dysfunctional
Contexts of the Study
Globalization has been instrumental in increasing the global business environment. Multicultural organizations (MCOs) have become common around the world. The world is getting closer daily as organizations transform into a hub of culturally diverse people (Gopalkrishnan 32). Diversity is instrumental in facilitating innovation as a result of new ideas and perspectives. In diverse teams, open dialogues lead to creativity, giving a business a competitive advantage in the market. While diversity is important, it brings cultural discrepancies among the workers. Such differences, when not managed well, become the root cause of clashes. Communication is a powerful tool for exchanging information among team members. Communication breakdown in MCOs has adverse effects on team cohesion. This final project examines the communication challenges that hinder multicultural teams from performing well in MCOs.
The framing of this study is based on communication accommodation theory (CAT) and Identity negotiation theory (INT). CAT endeavors to demonstrate how individuals adjust their communication behavior when interacting in a social setup and the results of those adjustments (Dragojevic, Gasiorek, and Giles 5). For instance, when a junior worker addresses a senior employee, both tend to accommodate one another since they recognize the inherent differences between them because of their rankings in the organization. In a multicultural setting, CAT is critical in demonstrating how diverse workers can employ communication that accommodates each other. INT includes the essence of negotiating identity issues in intergroup communication. The INT demonstrates the dialectical tensions that employees experience in a multicultural setting. Competent intergroup communication depends on the intentional integration of identity awareness on the groups involved (Ting-Toomey 21).
This final paper is critical to my personal and professional development as I prepare to work in a multicultural environment. I intend to work in a multicultural setting where I interact with individuals from diverse backgrounds. I admire the way MCOs manage to accommodate diverse views. I want to be part of a team that appreciates diversity. The paper will be essential in demonstrating what I need to do to enhance teamwork in a multicultural environment. This final paper would demonstrate how I can use communication to interact effectively with students from different backgrounds. I would learn the approaches I can use to enhance collaboration in the classroom.
Findings of the Study
Communications challenges in multicultural businesses have adverse effects on employee performance. The inability to communicate effectively creates division among teams, which reduced the output of each employee. Addressing the issue is critical for the success of the organizations. The following are ways of handling the problem.
Intercultural Competence
The ability of individuals to adapt to the complexity of other cultures is crucial to embracing cultural differences. Individuals in culturally diverse settings need a high level of intercultural competence. Such people can move beyond their cultural conditioning and operate well with others from diverse backgrounds (Gopalkrishnan 29). Cultural competent individuals manage to initiate interpersonal relationships with people from other cultural backgrounds. The move facilitates the exchange of communication. In teams, intercultural competence allows members to express themselves freely. Individuals feel that their colleagues understand them well despite the existing cultural barriers. Teams with competent intercultural individuals experience a higher level of cohesion. Members form stronger bonds through effective communication. The level of tolerance in such teams is high, enabling members to have a sense of belonging. In multicultural teams, some individuals may fail to contribute much because they fear being victimized by their colleagues. Such workers end up being demotivated since they feel that their effort remains unappreciated. With intercultural competence, individuals appreciate one another (Gopalkrishnan 32). They accommodate differences that result from culture and embrace shared values. In such an environment, all team members can pass communication efficiently. Staff members seek to understand communication passed around. With intercultural competence, information flows well in teams, hence improving the overall performance of an organization.
Selective Hiring
MCOs, unlike ordinary organizations, have to be careful about the kind of staff members hired. Employees are expected to operate in culturally diverse environments. Not all individuals are prepared to handle such settings. Usually...
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