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Self-Evaluation on Creating a VR Game

Essay Instructions:

This essay contains many materials from the class, I attached them in files. The final for this course is to design a VR game. The game design ideas are in the file called midterm ideation exercise. You may need to read through them before you write the essay. There is a short example called mid-term evaluation paper in the attached files. That's an example that what the essay should be like. At the end of the essay, you should talk about what grade you should earn and why. Feel free to ask me if you don't understand.

Scholars who study teaching and learning have noted that the most learning comes not from doing something, but from reflecting on having done something. (See Chang, B. (2019). Reflection in learning. Online Learning, 23(1), 95-110. doi:10.24059/olj.v23i1.1447 for more)

Re-read the program values statement and the course learning objectives (below), and consider how well you are meeting these objectives and goals.

Write a three page, roughly 750 word, evaluation of your performance in the class so far, based on the rubric we created in class. Answer any questions in the rubric. State a specific grade you honestly believe you have earned. This is an exercise of integrity, and your ability to reflect on your own progress.

Class Rubric

How deeply or thoroughly is the work engaging with the course material? Are you responding to the material?

Are you asking good questions? Engaging with your own questions?

Are you using imagery effectively?

Are you working to your best capacity, given the situation you’re/we’re in? While taking care of yourself first?

How well you using game mechanics to tell a story?

What are your emotional goals for the game? How will your move players through those emotions?

Program Values Statement

“As a community we are committed to equity, inclusion, social & environmental justice. As an intersectional feminist program we recognize this is a process that must be grounded in shared leadership & radical gentleness.

In our work as students, faculty and staff we embody the values of honesty, kindness and critical thinking while maintaining a nurturing environment with a specific focus on health and wellbeing, critical consciousness and growth.

We are committed to sustaining a program that is pro-LGBTQ+, anti-racist and anti-oppression. This work requires a proactive approach to sustainability and accountability, and ultimately relies on our shared experience and solidarity.”

Art and Design: Games and Playable Media Program Values Statement, https://games(dot)arts(dot)ucsc(dot)edu/

Course Information

This course is a theory/practice studio course in virtual reality. We will read texts about how to design for virtual reality, as well as critical theory about virtual reality, and create original virtual reality art projects that respond to these texts. In this course, students will learn basics of the Unity software development platform, as well as basics of Oculus development. We will also learn ways of generating ideas for VR by studying artwork and other VR projects.

Learning Outcomes

Students in this course will:

Become familiar with academic debates concerning virtual reality, as well as the history of the medium.

Learn the basics of the Unity development environment

Learn the basics of Oculus development in Unity

Practice creating original virtual reality artworks that engage with the ideas we are reading about in this course.

These objectives extend the AGPM Program Objectives

Demonstrate understanding of the connections between technical commitments and game system design, on one hand, and player experience and cultural communication goals, on the other.

Define, develop, and communicate artistically innovative game ideas—situated historically and employing the methods of multiple art practices.

Use knowledge of game history and interpretation sufficient to do independent research on a topic, identify relevant games and secondary literature, think critically about a particular games-related topic, and make a convincing, research-based argument about games.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
This course is exciting since I enjoy playing VR games pretty much, and I want to learn more about VR. It's good that in the first two weeks of the course, I read some texts, watched some videos in lectures, and learned lots of concepts about VR. In the readings, I realized that VR presents empathy as people can experience a different reality in its sense. VR is unique at storytelling. We can use oculus to address the issue concerning ethics and politics. I enjoyed the lecture a lot. During the course, I watched many exciting videos about VR games, which helped me do the VR project ideation. I am a beginner at using the Unity engine. I learned how to create 3D games using Unity, but I developed VR games in this course. It is fantastic.
Images have several features which assist in the exchange of information. They do tie viewers through vivid and expressive portrayals. They aid in remembering information. The illustrations and photographs, in particular, are indexical. They are viewed as a direct representation of reality rather than a specific version of fact framed in a particular way. I am using imagery effectively as I have created three artworks to warn players of the effect of global warming. These images come to be seen as the direct representation of reality rather than a particular fact. It means the image is viewed as speaking the truth rather than normative statements portraying a specific way of seeing the world.
A good number of people who use virtual reality complain of eye strain, headaches, and in some cases, nausea. Experts say this is a result of this, as VR affects the relationship between the eye and brain. Under normal circumstances, our eyes converge and focus on a point in space. Our brain is so used to this that it is coupled the two responses together. Virtual reality separates those hence confusing the brain. In virtual surroundings, the way we look and interact is changed because we may be projecting onto the eyes something that looks far away. Still, in reality, it is only a few centimeters from the eyes (Williams et al. 65). I am working at my best capacity while taking care of myself. I avoid prolonged headset use as it may negatively impact my eye coordination, balance, and multi-tasking ability. I recommend that a VR class should not exceed 15 minutes. Short VR sessions are very engaging and good in reinforcing key points.
Virtual reality storytelling is unique as it allows viewers to experience a situation from a first-person view. After all, they can look in any way as if they were there. When a story is told through virtual reality, it creates an immersive artificial world that seems quite natural (Murray et al. 182). I can tell a story through character mechanics because it is the most powerful method to tell a story as it encourages the player to think lik...
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