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Media and Globalization: Cities and Network Society

Essay Instructions:

Define and discuss at least three ways in which cities are crucial to understanding of network society.

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Media and globalization: cities and network society
One of the aspects in cities that make them relevant to understanding the network society is the spatial transformation. Even though, urban transformations are different across the world, it is through spatial transformation where there is centralization and increased networking that the network systems arise. Cities are typically a magnet for information technology investment, and this facilitates networking at the local, national and international stage. Urbanization is a growing phenomenon in the 21st century, and since cities tend to be market-oriented there is likelihood that the phenomenon of a network society will be more prominent in future. As the centers of trade, where there is reliance on technology, cities provide an opportunity for improved networking.
Given that people in the cities come from diverse backgrounds, family ties are loose and there is more individualization in comparison to small towns and rural areas. However, to deal with this problem, cities are typically transformed through networking (Crack 345). This is a transformation form a mass society to a network one where social and media networks shape organizations and the societal structures. Even with social fragmentation, cities provide an opportunity to rely on the most important networks, where there is cooperation and competition. These networks structures in the cities are important to understand the connection with borders, space and territory (Crack 345).
The notion that cities facilitate competitiveness by attracting the best talents also highlights on the way free trade has led to transformation of cities. The major cities of the Western world are magnets to business interests where there are headquarters of transnational organizat...
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