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Media and Advertising Stereotypical Stories for Women and People of Color

Essay Instructions:

1. What are some stereotypical stories media and advertising tell about women? & What are some stereotypical stories media and advertising tell about men? Give some examples of each.

What patterns of difference do you see between these two kinds of typical narratives and how might this impact health?

What are some of the potential effects on boys and men of trying to live up to our culture’s ideal of physical size and strength? Emotional effects? Health effects?

What are some of the potential effects on girls and women trying to live up to our culture's ideal of physical size and strength? Emotional effects? Health effects?

2. What are some differences between ads and media portrayals that feature white people and ads that feature people of color? How does this relate to health disparities?

3. Many cultural commentators have noted that media representations of men of color (e.g. news accounts, roles in film, pornography, sports) have disproportionately shown them to be aggressive and violent. What effect do these portrayals have on the gender identity formation of boys and men of color? How do these portrayals influence the way the white majority sees men of color?

4. How is success and happiness usually portrayed in advertisements? Give some specific examples. Are there forms of success that advertisements seem to leave out? What are they? Why do you think they’re not as common in ads as other kinds of success?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Course Code and Name
Killing us Softly 4
Media and advertising tell many stereotypical stories for both men and women. Women are told that how they look on the outside is most important. Women of color are only considered beautiful if they modify themselves to attain white women's ideal stature and features. Additionally, women are influenced to feel ashamed of themselves for eating since it’s associated with weight gain and unattractiveness. For example, models in most adverts are always thin, and if they do not meet the standard, they are made to appear thinner through photoshop. On the other hand, men are portrayed as bigger and more powerful than women. They are told that that's the ideal stature and anyone who goes below that standard is unattractive. Men are shown and told to personify violence, insensitivity, and toughness. For example, male models and actors are made to appear in roles that demonstrate avid power and masculinity.
While women's bodies are scrutinized and judged, men's bodies are not routinely criticized. Ideally, men are judged for their attitude, including their outward strength and masculinity; however, women are judged for their outward looks, and strict standards are set for them. In an attempt to fulfill these standards from both sides, men and women may suffer from psychological and physiological illnesses such as disordered eating, poor self-esteem, anxiety, and chronic illnesses such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Emotional effects on boys and men may include a lack of self-confidence and over-relying on others for approval. They may also suffer from the psychological and physiological illnesses mentioned ...
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