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Article Evaluation: Impact of Technology on Human Culture

Essay Instructions:

Find a scholarly, peer-reviewed article relatable to a major theme of the course 
Write a two-paragraph, 500-word essay comparing and contrasting your chosen article with at least one of the readings from the course 
Correctly quote and cite at least one sentence from both your chosen article and the course text(s) you have chosen.

To get an A:

Read this entire assignment and the linked rubric;

Write two paragraphs of approximately 250 words each reflecting upon and responding to the themes and readings of the course in relation to an outside, peer-reviewed article of your own choice. In your essay, give your interpretation of some question relating to the themes of the course through that week. For example, you might explore the impact of code/language on machines, impact of technology on human culture/society, the impact of human culture on technology, the question of determinism, etc. You are free to address any of these questions or to choose one of your own, but your interpretation must address a specific peer-reviewed article from outside the course as well as one reading from the course itself.

Your first paragraph should summarize your chosen article and the course text(s) you have chosen. Your second paragraph should analyze the two texts in relation to the course themes, making some sort of argument about them.

Your evaluation must include and address sentence-length quotes from both your chosen article and at least one of the assigned written texts (not screenings/videos) from the course through Thursday, November 17 and go on to elaborate your understanding of and response to a key issue or theme in the course. You are free to cite additional sources, including screenings. Cite your sources in "modified" MLA in-text style (as described in the citational practices handout), and employ proper grammar and punctuation. You are expected to provide a Works Cited section at the end of the paper containing bibliographic information on your chosen article since it is not listed in the syllabus. You do not have to include any readings from the syllabus you cite in the Works Cited section as long as you cite them properly in the body of your evaluation.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student's Name
Professor's Name
Impact of Technology on Human Culture
Part One: Summary
Safiya Umoja Noble opposes that Search engines like Google offer a level playing ground for all identities, thoughts, and actions in her book Algorithms of Oppression. Prejudice based on data is a real societal problem. According to Noble, many Internet search engines have a near monopoly on the market. Their financial interests in promoting particular websites intersect with those of persons of color, especially females of color, to create a narrow range of search algorithms that single out people of color, especially females of color while favoring whiteness. Noble reveals a racist and sexist online discoverability culture through research of text and media searches, a thorough assessment of paid web advertising, and her book.
In chapter six, Noble makes a case for public regulations that doubt big data optimism to halt Google's expanding information monopoly and control the commercial search engines' filtering methods. Here, she criticizes the complacent neoliberal approach that focuses the burden of advancement on people rather than on the structures that oppress women and minorities by providing them with greater knowledge and chances. She says, "However true the disparities between Whites and non-Whites or men and women in the traditional articulations of the digital divide, often missing from this discourse is the framework of power relations that precipitate such unequal access to social, economic, and educational resources" (Noble 160)
The essay by Farkas and Fernandez reviews and critiques academic research on social media, racism, and hate speech with an emphasis on ethical, theoretical, and methodological issues that the discipline has to deal with while also critically examining the consequences of these issues for future study. The essay has con...
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