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Intercultural Communication Crash Research Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Written Assignment 5: Intercultural Communication/Crash
Directions: You must choose 2 of the following 4 discussion questions to answer, and provide a substantive discussion for each. Each is worth 10 points. The base value of this assignment is up to 20 points & this assignment is due by 11:55pm 5/10.
Extra Credit Option—You may also choose to answer two additional questions for 10 points of extra credit each. If you take this option, you must clearly indicate which questions will count for extra credit by starting your response to each extra credit question with ‘EXTRA CREDIT'. The extra credit question only will be judged on an S/U basis (the standard questions earn a score based on merit as normal). If you provide a reasoned and appropriate answer addressing the elements posed in an extra credit question you'll earn 10 points of extra credit for that questions (with a maximum of 2 extra credit questions for 20 total points of extra credit). Incomplete, unsupported, incoherent or otherwise unsatisfactory responses to extra credit questions will receive no credit. Keep in mind that extra credit earned from any source counts toward the extra credit cap of 60 total points. Extra credit earned on this assignment will not be reflected in the assignment grade reported via this website (which will reflect your base assignment grade only) but will be reported separately via UB Learns.
Question 1
In our discussion of intercultural communication, we stated that cultural influences are dynamic, shifting, and overlapping. Additionally, we suggested that the characteristics associated with the members of a cultural group should be considered as indicators of central tendency—not every member will be influenced to the same degree by their cultural memberships or display precisely the same characteristics or behaviors. Using an example from your personal experience, discuss two people that would be considered members of the same cultural group yet who differ significantly from one another. Discuss their similarities and differences and speculate as to the underlying reasons for their existence.
Question 2
In the presentation and chapter on intercultural communication, several tactics for intercultural communication competence are described. Choose an intercultural communication interaction from the film Crash where you feel the communication between parties was ineffective. Explore how their interaction might be improved by specifically applying two of the tactics for intercultural communication competence mentioned in the chapter and presentation. Alternately, you may choose to apply two of the tactics to an event from your personal experience that you feel is an appropriate example of an ineffective intercultural interaction.
Question 3
One of the themes explored in the film Crash was the use of cultural stereotypes. Choose 3 specific stereotypes referenced in the film and discuss how they impacted the events portrayed in the film. If you had hypothetically switched places with one of the characters in the film discuss whether or not you might have (even unknowingly) been influence by some of the same stereotypical perceptions and explain the reasoning behind your answer. Alternately, you may choose to discuss in detail 3 situations where you erroneously applied stereotypes in an interaction with someone else or were affected by another inaccurately stereotyping you.
Question 4
One area of difference in communication codes discussed in the unit on intercultural communication are differences in cultural communication styles—culturally defined rules governing communication that can affect how members of a cultural group approach particular communication tasks—including the topics are acceptable for discussion in a given situation, and those that are taboo, what contexts are appropriate for a given communication task (e.g. sharing personal information), and other norms that influence their expectations for how a given communication interaction should take place. Choose an interaction in the film Crash that you believe was influenced by differences in cultural communication styles. Elaborate on what you believe those differences to be, how you feel they influenced the interaction, and how the parties might have been able to more effectively communicate with one another. Alternately, you may choose to discuss in detail (along the same lines as elaborated above) a personal experience where you believe differences in cultural communication styles contributed to ineffective communication.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Intercultural Communication
Question 1
People are affected in different ways regardless of sharing the same cultural memberships. That means that people have different personalities thus are affected differently and uniquely by same culture.
James and I come from Harbin. The cold city is in east china and individuals who lice here are enthusiastic and their emotions are easily shown. However, the above culture has influenced us differently. James has an outgoing character, he loves outdoor activities unlike me who is an indoor person and a loner. Having grown up in the same culture membership James and I are different due to different personalities.
It is often allude that the environment affects personality but I believe that people are born differently. I’m a reserved person and the culture around me is full of extroverts and since I was qu...
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