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Freedom of Speech

Essay Instructions:


An article in USA Today a few years ago cited a survey that indicated younger people, the millennial generation, is less likely to support free speech with respect to minorities than their parents and grandparents. In an essay of not more than 750 words, citing examples that have occurred this semester involving “political correctness” and other free speech issues, write an essay that examines this phenomenon. First, discuss this survey itself. Do you believe its conclusion is correct, and why or why not? Second, and most importantly, support your point of view with examples on free speech issues that have arisen on other campuses or on demonstrations and protests connected with the current pandemic .Finally, discuss whether you think this trend will continue as more members of the Gen Z generation, those born after the mid 1990’s, come of age. Will the trend of social media companies to censor what can be posted on their platforms encourage greater restriction on free speech and political thought>, and if so, what will be the impact? Quote and cite your sources, bolstering your argument using information found on the World Wide Web (newspapers, magazines, etc.). You also can use information from other classes this semester, if available to you.

Here the link to the story in USA Today: http://college(dot)usatoday(dot)com/2015/11/25/millennials-free-speech-pew-survey/

You might have to copy and paste the link into your browser.

The Copyright Act gives copyright holders the exclusive right to reproduce works for a limited time period. How does fair use limit that right? In other words, define fair use. Citing information from your text, how specifically does copyright then work with respect to fair use? What is the four-part test for its use? Finally, and this should be the major part of your answer, discuss TWO fair use cases that tested copyright law and where the courts came up with different conclusions about fair use’s applicability. What were the outcomes of these decisions, and do you agree with the outcomes? You should also write this question in 750 words or fewer. In both questions, make sure you cover all parts of the question, but don’t worry if your answers fall a bit short. I’ll be looking to see that you’ve covered the entire questions, not that you’ve typed nearly exactly 750 words.

Both of these essays should be typed into Microsoft Word

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Your Name
Subject and Section
Professor’s Name
May 11, 2021
Final Examination
Essay A
One of the greatest debates regarding the importance of free speech is how ‘free’ should address be. This contemplates the idea that despite the Constitutional right granted to us by the First Amendment, there seems to be a thin line between what should lie within the ambit of the Constitution and what is constitutive of an abuse.
Interestingly, studies show a varying and significant pattern regarding the viewpoints in this debate between the American generation. For instance, in one of the surveys done by the Pew Research Center, it was shown that around 40% of millennials “between the ages of 18 and 34 think offensive statements made about minorities should be federally regulated”, while 58% of the same population defended the constitutional right of the First Amendment. Although this might show that free speech is still favored by the majority, what is surprising is that the importance given towards the said constitutional right is even higher for previous generations, with the Silent Generation, Boomers, and Gen X showing about 12%, 24%, and 27%, respectively.
In light of this, I believe that the results of this study are a reflection of the combination of the products of progressive Civil Rights movements and the increasing “sanction” towards those who violate that established social norms. Let me discuss with you what I mean by each of these.
On the one hand, I believe that the increasing preference towards censoring offensive statements about racial minorities has been one of the Civil Rights movements that are continuously happening until today. With the advent and continued dominance of social media, anti-racist sentiments have increased their reach, responsiveness, and effectiveness altogether. Take, for example, Social Media Movements such as the #BlackLivesMatter and #StopAAPIHate, both of these were able to provide an appropriate, and quick response against hate crimes happening towards African Americans and Asians compared to previous “offline” movements were ‘critical mass’ is needed before it could even generate sufficient public attention CITATION Bla20 \l 1033 (Blain). Other studies also show that this process of obtaining critical mass has significantly increased due to the surge in social media consumption during the COVID-19 Pandemic CITATION Cha201 \l 1033 (Chatterjee).
In other words, this increasing effectiveness and reach of civil rights movements, which is one of the reasons millennials these days support partial censorship against hate speech compared to absolutely free speech.
On the other hand, another important reason why more millennials chose speech regulation compared to absolute free speech is the increased possibility of ‘social sanction’ compared to before. This embraces what Millennials these days call “Cancel Culture.” Before the advent of social media, individuals receive minor sanctions towards hate speech for as long as they are not violative of the rights of others. Although saying racial slurs was seen as an act of immorality, the process of punishment (i.e., imprisonment) is only given against those offenses which are more or less grave in nature, which provides more leeway to say whatever they want.
In contrast, this process of imposing social sanctions has increased its frequency and become more apparent during the advent of social media CITATION Dud20 \l 1033 (Dudenhoefer). Millennials who post or say racial slurs would immediately become sanctioned by millions, if not thousands, of other social media users who are against racism. Additionally, this also increases the tendency for individuals to ‘prefer’ regulation of racial sentiments even against his preference towards free speech, since ...
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