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Cyber Crime

Essay Instructions:

Instructions Research Report 5 - The Research Prospectus The purpose of the research prospectus is to demonstrate that you have chosen and developed a worthwhile subject that you are interested in; one that is important to the academic and professional community and for which there is quality source material readily available, whether in our library, through interlibrary loan, or through the Internet. Your final research paper will require you to complete a Works Cited page with a minimum of 8 to 10 sources and 10 to 14 pages of polished prose. Keep all of these factors in mind as you continue to refine your topic and the argument that you will develop from this topic. Directions: This paper should be typed using 12 point Arial or Verdana font with standard margins. It should be 3 to 5 pages in length. Use headings to indicate how you have responded to the 6 sections below. The assignment is worth 100 points; 15 points per section except for section #6, which is worth 25 points. Please provide the following information in each section: Section 1. A clear statement of your argument; this should include a well developed thesis statement that includes the point you intend to prove in your paper. Section 2. A reflection about what real difference it would make to you and to your readers if you were able to demonstrate the validity of your argument. In other words, establish the relevance of your research. Section 3. In two paragraphs, first, write about the specific information you knew about your topic before you started your research, and second, write about what you have been discovering as you complete your research. Section 4. Create a list of specific questions you will answer within your writing that will guide your research (5 questions minimum). Section 5. A list of possible interview sources (online interviews are acceptable). Keep in mind that this is an interview that you will be conducting. Be specific when listing your sources. Section 6. A Works Cited page of current, professional, and academic sources that you plan to use in your writing. You should all ready have some of these from previous Research Reports. Other Assignment Specifications: You are required to have at least 7 sources for this assignment. You need not have read them yet, but you must know that they are available to you and be able to write an appropriate citation. Your Works Cited section for this assignment (Section 6) should be written in MLA format. Remember that sources are listed alphabetically by the author’s last name(s). Refer to the Hacker handbook for tips on creating an appropriate Works Cited page. Do not attach this as a separate document. It is part of the assignment, so it should be part of the original document. Points will be deducted if you submit this section as a separate document. It does, however, start on a new page.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Cyber Crime
Computer crimes have become a cause for concern for governments, individuals and businesses because increased penetration of internet has also led to vulnerability of computers systems on a global scale. Because of the growing threat of cyber crime, there is a need for more coordinated efforts to deal with the menace. Digital technologies now play a more prominent role in the economy than previous eras, and the risks associated with computer use have also increased, highlighting the need for coordination efforts at the national regional and international stage (Broadburst 408). Even in cases where authorities are aware of cyber crime, enforcing laws is harder as cyber criminals are tech savvy and hence the authorities play ‘catch up’ in dealing with cyber crime. Lack of consensus on how to combat cyber crime at the international stage complicates efforts toward combating cyber crime. This paper highlights on challenges in tackling cyber crime, and mentions the need for more coordinated efforts in policy making to fight cyber crime.
Relevance of research
It is important to understand the nature and tools of cyber crime before adopting policies to combat cyber crime. Different jurisdictions have different policies and laws that make it necessary to have coordinated efforts in fighting cybercrime. For instance, content posted in one area might result to prosecution for cyber crime in another area or country while in others it may simply be seen as an exercise of freedom. In the ‘Digital Age’, cyber crime can be done by anyone who is computer literate, and in most cases, cyber offenders infringe the rights of other computer users. Thus, focusing on efforts to deal with crime in cyberspace will provide insights on how best to deal with the issue (Zaharia et al 240). Though, there is awareness on the need to increase cyber security, cyber crime has become more sophisticated as the activities bring in huge profits to the criminals. Research shows that, though there are mutual agreements to tackle cyber crime, criminals take advantage on gaps is agreements poor coordination efforts and inefficiencies when committing cyber crime (Menon & Siew 247).
What I knew
The threat of cyber crime still poses a major challenge to organizations as the threats have increased faster that professionals can handle. There is increased risk for organizations and governments from cyber crime. This is mainly because many cyber criminals have the ability to commit crime undetected and maintain a low profile as they improve their methods of illegally acquiring material from computers. It is because of failure to recognize cyber threat, risks and failure to allocate adequate resources that many cyber crimes go undetected and unreported. Organizations are more focused on preventing hacking, but other cyber crime activities have the potential to cause financial losses and loss of sensitive information. In any case, there is a growing black market for illegally acquired information as cyber criminals devise new ways to infiltrate computer networks.
What I have discovered
There are coordinated efforts to fight cyber crime on a global scale, despite differences in jurisdictions and meanings of cyber crim...
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