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Current Cultural Mythologies of Race, Class, Gender, And Sexuality in The United States

Essay Instructions:


Step #1 Write a thesis-driven essay that answers the following:

In what way or ways are current cultural mythologies of race, class, gender, and/or sexuality in the United States reflected in advertising, film/television, and social media? Use specific examples to support your individual points.

Step #2

• Must have a brief introduction that introduces the overall topic (for example, culture, technology, etc.) and ends with a thesis that answers the question.

Step #3

• Must have at least three body paragraphs that use the ingredients we discussed previously for paragraph development.

Step #4

• Must have a conclusion that brings the discussion back to the overall topic in general.

Think of this assignment as a way to reflect on what you learned about society through popular culture

The assignment must be done in Times New Roman Font Size 12 with 1 inch margins all around.


Notes from me to the Writer:

This what the professor means by "Ingredients for Paragraph Development":

Paragraph Development:

Writing body paragraphs is maybe the most important part of writing an essay simply because most of the essay is made up of body paragraphs (as opposed to the introduction or the conclusion). For this reason, it is important to understand the different ingredients that go into a good academic body paragraph. I use the word "ingredients" because writing is a lot like cooking, first you follow a recipe to understand how different ingredients work with each other in order to achieve the basic flavor of a dish, but eventually you come to master those ingredients and no longer have to look at a recipe in order to make the dish taste the way you want it to taste, rather than the recipe.

The basic ingredients of a developed body paragraph are as follows:

• Topic Sentence

• Explanation

• Evidence

• Comment

• Transition

*Topic Sentence:

State the point of the paragraph. What is the main idea you are exploring in this one segment of your essay? Be sure that it has some connection to the overall thesis from your introduction. If it doesn't, then you are probably off track from the essay's purpose. Keep the topic sentence simple and direct. One mistake that developing writers often make is trying to make their ideas "sound" smart by using overly complex diction and syntax, but as you learn to work with this key ingredient, keep the wording simple so that your idea will be clear.


Expand on the point from your topic sentence without going into the specific evidence yet. If there are any words that need defining in your topic sentence, this is a good place to do it.


Use quotations that support the point of the paragraph or that add necessary voice from authoritative sources. Use any other specific data, detail, or example that supports the point of the topic sentence.


Explain the connection of the quotation or example to the topic sentence. Don't assume that your reader will make that connection on their own.


Connect the main idea of this paragraph with the main idea of the next paragraph. Not all paragraphs need a transition; you need to decide if the ideas from one to the other naturally flow, or if you need to make it clear with a transition.

* You should usually have two or three examples in a typical paragraph. Each time you should follow that example with a brief connection.


Thank you for your time.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Ways Are Current Cultural Mythologies of Race, Class, Gender, And Sexuality in The United States Reflected in Advertising, Film/Television, And Social Media
Myths are beliefs held by a certain community but cannot be scientifically proven.
On the other hand, a cultural myth is a traditional story that has a meaning attached to it. Though myths differ in different communities, they have certain effects on how people interact with others. Since time immemorial, myths have played an important role in our lives. Although myths can be either true or false, people still pass them on. The way we choose to believe them depends on how well we interpret them. Different societies have different myths and different cultures. This means that there are diverse beliefs on different platforms. Nowadays, social media has started using myths as a form of advertising. This helps in promoting different brands among different target audiences. The essay tackles ways current cultural mythologies reflect in advertising and social media in general.
A brief example of Greek mythology will help us understand cultural myths. The Greeks consider their ancestors as a god. The reason why myths cannot be replaced is that they came before science. Traditionally, the people depended on myths to get explanations for the naturally occurring phenomena like thunder and the supernatural beings. Most of the myths also teach and discourage against performing acts of evil. The modern civilization also has some of its roots in the mythical beliefs, starting from the agricultural to the industrial sector and the modern ways of living.
Myths continue to exist in the modern world in different forms. The modern technology, for instance, has brought a collection of myths from different parts of the world for scholars to study. Books and journals have been published about the mythical stories. There have also been published books providing a counter-argument on the myths in different traditional societies. Since different communities have different mythical beliefs, some beliefs promote immorality and injustices in a community. This leads to different views on myths that are culturally worthy or unworthy.
The United States of America has also been at the forefront when it comes to embracing myths. It is a common belief that one can achieve happiness after going through hard times. They associate happiness with the possession of material wealth and anyone who does not have quality wealth is thought of as unhappy. This belief that can be traced to ancient times in their history is still followed up to date. The Americans associate material wealth as a result of hard work, and lack of it leads to poverty (Wood 39). However, in modern society, the myth is untrue. This made people work extra hard to get as much wealth as possible so that they could be happy. People work hard to get wealth so that they could live the rest of their lives happily. The Americans forgot that happiness is not permanent, and it is derived from being comfortable with the little you have.
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