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How does the social media effect the traditional marketing

Essay Instructions:

My major is Marketing. In this major, there is a kind of marketing is called word-of-mouth advertising. Basically, it is when people bought some high quality, and they have very good product experience after they used. They will recommend this product to others automatically, but it very depends on technological innovation. Nowadays, the internet has changed our social life in many ways. So I am going to write about how does the social media effect the transition advertising.

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Impact of Social Media on Traditional Marketing
The world has experienced growth in terms of the economy. This growth has been brought about by several factors; however, globalization, advanced technology, and mobile labour are some of the main factors for this experienced growth. Technology has transformed the globe into a village, where an individual in a region that earlier could be rendered far and inconvenient in terms of distance and availability is now just a click away. Technology has influenced everyday activities and like most sectors, trade and business has been impacted greatly. This paper is going to look at the effects of technology and efficiently analyses the impact of social media on traditional marketing.
The majority in the world today who are well conversant with technology is the millennials. This target group is hard to ignore today especially when everything is going online and somehow tech based. One of the best ways to communicate with the millennials is through social media. These media include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapshot, and YouTube among many others. To marketers today, it is wide evident that to capture the millennial one has to use digital marketing. The only challenge they face is how to get their attention. The old ways of push advertisement are no longer as effective as it used to be anymore and hence companies are opting to develop an advertisement approach that creates a relationship with the main target group which is the millennials.
In marketing, publicity is a vital component of an organization. Traditionally organization depended on word of mouth for publicity, where the already gained consumer will go and recommend their services and products to others through word of mouth. However, with the arrival of the digital media and the millennial generation, this equation is changing. The generation has individuals who are impatient and want things done quickly. In the word of mouth method, a satisfied customer was the best ambassador to the organization, as they will further promote the company. Today this word of mouth has changed into images and messages that are being transferred in the digital and social media through computers and mobile phones. Word of mouth has been observed to be one of the best marketing strategies as it has continued to enhance customer loyalty but in today's generation, this word of mouth is accelerated by digital media and mobile phones devices. Somehow making social media the new word of mouth.
Social media
The last decade has seen the web experience growth and changes. as it...
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