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The Theory of Dramatism and Its Application

Essay Instructions:

For theory to really matter, we need to see where it intersects with our lived experiences. Some theories will immediately jump off the page and the applications are immediately obvious and insightful. Yet for others, we will need to take a second, third, or forth look at it to find where we have experienced those concepts or where we can find the concrete in a rather abstract notion.

After you read a theory chapter describing a communication theory (Ch. 5-36), you are to write 1-2 paragraphs making a specific application of the theory to your own life. What insight does it provide to help you understand previous communication behaviors or experiences? What prediction does it make or advice does it offer for the future? How might it offer an interpretative lens? The logs will provide an opportunity for you to show that you grasp the theories’ practical implications and can apply them in real life situations. Sample application logs from students in previous classes are on the www(dot)afirstlook(dot)com website and included in the textbook chapters.

You should:

1) Be specific and make an application of a given concept or idea from the chapter. No need to applying the whole of the theory in general but rather drilling into a specific point or idea.

2) Draw from your own experiences or those around you; these should be where theory is made real or where you can understand something differently now using the theory concept. You might unpack a past situation or experience that relates, analyze how/why something happened based on the theory, or illustrate a concept based on your experience.

3) Describe or explain the theory. No need; I’m familiar with the theories. You should use appropriate terms from the theory when making your points such that the application is clear.

You should not:

1) Critique or commend the theory. That’s not the purpose here. You are to take the theory (at face value) and make an application of it.

2) Rely on hypothetical examples (feel free to change names or descriptive clues if you’d rather that people not be identifiable). You aren’t writing fiction here—the assignment is a non-fiction one.

3) pull from mediated examples (TV, movie, book). While there is great value in using these principles to understand the media, again.. not the assignment. Focus on your life and the lives of those around you.

Please type your entries into one document per submission. Be sure you label the chapter for each entry; a chapter's entry should be 2-3 short paragraphs (typically 200-350 words).

CHOOSE 5 of the following chapters:

23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 35, 36.

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Application Log
Dramatism – Chapter 23
This chapter presents an interesting theory that Kenneth Burke coined. The theory of dramatism speaks to the use of language as symbolic action. The chapter highlights the point that humanity "give life to particular motives and pursue particular goals" with their words. The sentence above speaks to everything that is human or how human beings make use of language to attain certain goals.
The application of this theory is quite obvious and direct. In the political world, politicians use slogans to help propel them to become more popular than their counterparts. Presidential elections happen to be the most dramatic in the world. Individuals who are contending spend a lot of time trying to come up with slogans to use to spearhead their campaigns. For example, Donald Trump made use of the slogan "Make America Great Again." First, these words spared Donald Trump of blame since they implied that someone else had destroyed America, and he was the only person who could change or make it great again. Donald Trump made use of this theory to not only taint the image of his competitor, Hillary Clinton but also sell himself as the only person capable of effecting change.
When I first heard about the slogan, I thought it was catchy and did not know how it affected my approach and thinking of the politics in the country. I remember being sold on the idea that America was indeed spiraling down and that there was a need for change. It never occurred to me that the framing of the slogan happened to sway my opinion and that of many others. Within a short time, Donald Trump had managed to change people's minds by making them believe that the country was broken and that he was the person to fix it. Trump was able to give his words life as he sought to pursue the presidency.
Narrative Paradigm - Chapter 24
This chapter speaks to the theory developed by Walter Fisher, who believes that human communication should be viewed as stories. To Fisher, human communication has a start, a middle section, and a conclusion, albeit within the goals that people seek to achieve. These stories Fisher believes are shaped by humanity's history, culture, and character. With regards to arguments, Fisher believes that those who happen to tell or articular their points well are those who tell "a compelling story."
The application of this theory could also fit the political narrative described in the theory of dramatism. When one compares the stories of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, one realizes that Trump's story is indeed more compelling, and hence the results of the 2016 elections. Having been outside the political world, Trump seemed like the perfect alternative to the typical politicians that seemed to run for office time and again. He was believed to bring a change in perspectives and offer a breath of fresh air to the political world in the U.S. Clinton's story, on the other hand, was that of a person who did fit the profile of a typical politician, a narrative that most Americans were tired of.
To draw from my experience, I will speak to my mindset during the 2016 elections. The two candidates did not have the wow factor. To me, they both seemed wanting and lacking in many areas. However, Trump's story that he is the needed breath of fresh air resonated with me. I may not have agreed with him on much, but I now understand how and why his story resonated with many people. People desired change, especially from the typical political atmosphere that politicians bring, and he did provide that. He told a compelling story and hence was able to win.
Uses and Gratifications – Chapter 28
The theory in this chapter is known as uses and gratifications. The idea behind t...
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