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Health Crisis: 2008 Dairy Milk Scandal in China

Essay Instructions:

Project 2 Health Crises


• Choose one past or current health crisis (as defined by you).

• Final projects should describe the health crisis and its historical/sociocultural context,

identifying its “conditions of possibility”

o identify the various actors/interests involved

o analyze and question dominant discourses and taken-for-granted concepts

o identify the ways in which health, media, and communication interact in your specific case o discuss the inherent understandings of health/illness, normal/pathological

o examine the relationship between “diagnosis” and (1) etiology and (2) “fixes”

o address relevant questions and concepts from our course readings and discussions,

o discuss the extent to which—if at all—this particular health crisis is relevant for thinking about other health crises

o include works cited using whichever style you prefer


• Intellectual rigor and creativity

• Does the project offer novel, unexpected, clever, and/or thoughtful scholarly insights inspired by/derived from—but not identical to—those found in the primary and/or secondary sources?

• Does the project examine and challenge taken-for-granted concepts or ideas?

• To what extent does the project contribute to our understandings of health, media, communication, and the various ways they intersect and impact each other?

• Does the project critically engage with the questions raised by the course readings and discussion?

• Does the project present the subject matter clearly without sacrificing complexity?


Primary source


Or https://www(dot)forbes(dot)com/sites/yanzhonghuang/2014/07/16/the-2008-milk-scandal-revisited/#250 6a96a4105

Secondary source

“​Corporate crime and state legitimacy: the 2008 Chinese melamine milk scandal” PDF

My personal requirement:

the theme of the paper will be the milk scandal health crisis in China. So the ket points will be discussing those aspects (above) base on the info from both primary and secondary sources. I am trying to argue that this milk scandal goes beyond a

health crisis, it is a political scandal, a fraud/ systematic problem of the society and government.

Please read the directions carefully and

try to make the analysis clear and specific, make thoughtful connections.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
2008 Dairy Milk Scandal in China
In 2008, a milk production scandal broke in China. Children had fallen ill due to contaminated milk consumption. It was later reported that the milk formula was contaminated with an ingredient supposedly for plastic production. This ingredient got mixed with the production of baby formula, which was sold to the market. It led to the children and infants developing kidney stones because of the contaminated formula (Austin and Yang).
The company involved in the scandal was the Sanlu Group that was the most prominent dairy product manufacturers in China. Their neglect of the safety of food production led to sickness and misfortunes of around 300,000 babies in China. Although the contamination may seem an accident, it was instead added to the formula illegally as an addition to the protein content of their products. However, melamine, the ingredient that contaminated the products, is material for plastic production that is why it is toxic for human consumption (Austin and Yang).
The Health Crisis of 2008
The milk scandal in China had put thousands of infants of lives at risk. Some even died of a complication brought by the consumption of contaminated milk. Because of the large number of affected children, it has become a health crisis in China. Parents and children would crowd the hospital for almost the same reason: the consumption of poisoned food. China's milk scandal has mostly affected children because the products' target market are infants to childhood. It was the younger population who had consumed most of the products that contained contaminated dairies. That was why, in 2008, children with kidney problems filled the hospitals. Most cases were children who had developed kidney stones because of the long-time consumption of contaminated milk (Austin and Yang).
This scandal had developed into a health crisis because of the widespread danger the milk brought to the local consumers. The Sanlu company was a known company that was popular for its dairy brands. Their big reputation meant wider patronage in China. Simultaneously, it implied how wide the scandal was going to reach. World Health Organization had also considered the milk scandal as one of the biggest crises to have happened in the world (Tehrani, Kavon, and Pontell). Because China exports dairy products internationally, the scandal must have affected children even outside their borders. That was why it had been impossible not to look at it as a health crisis.
Melamine was the product that contaminated dairy products in China. This particular ingredient is primarily not for human consumption but rather a component for plastic production. When animals consume melamine, their bodies produce renal stones. As for humans, it can result in kidney stones and kidney failure (Chan, Griffiths, and Chan). Since children were mostly affected by the milk scandal in China, the health impact was more alarming and dangerous. Infant organs are more vulnerable and underdeveloped. Their intake of toxic substances like melamine may cause them even to endangering illnesses. Some of the dangers that infants faced due to the milf consumption were kidney failures, renal problems, and, at worst, death (Chan, Griffiths, and Chan). What was alarming at that time was that most children had developed their complications after a long period of consuming the same contaminat...
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