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Which Of The Hed’s Decisions May Be Intuitive?

Essay Instructions:

you need read the article on the pictures(i upload), and write the three questions.

1.Which of the Hed's decisions may be characterized as an intuitive decision?

2.How to relate the case to the chapter?

3.What do you learn from other chapter about this case?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Discussion 1 Which of the Hed’s decisions may be characterized as an intuitive decision? Hed’s decision to restart the company’s operations after being unproductive is an illustration of an intuitive decision. Arguably, it was not clear how Hed planned to achieve success because he was under immense pressure. In fact, Hed’s strategy was to formulate a tactic, which would help the company regain and maintain its lost glory before it was late. Even though the Hed was undergoing a tough time trying to put all things in his plan, it is evident from his experience that it was not his first in such a crisis. For instance, in the past, Hed had attempted to make a hit game, but his plan was unsuccessful. Arguably, Mikael’s choice to leave the company was the primary intuitive decision, which prompted Niklas to reboot the company with the intention of bringing back Mikael. Additionally, Hed’s concept of developing the game was spontaneous. Based on the excerpt provided, Hed’s idea to develop the game emanated from the fact that he was more fascinated by games, which required the application of physics. Moreover, Niklas was instigated to create more games after winning the competition organized by HP and Nokia. 2 How to relate the case to the chapter? One can relate the case to the chapter by outlining and understanding the common types of decisions people make when planning to start up a business. Some of these examples include rational, intuitive, bounded rationality, and creative decisions. Each decision-making model has a specific sequence of when it should be applied. For instance, the rational model is applicable w...
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