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Sales: Show How The Profession Has Evolved Over Time

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Watch the video to write an article The specific requirements are in the attachment.

One of the questions needs to be combined with the content of the class, and the textbook will be attached to the attachment.

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The video is about how the sales profession in the United States has evolved over the last few years and how salespeople need to re-invent themselves so as to meet customers’ changing needs. In the video, it is noted that in the past, customers were mostly looking for information from salespeople. However, things have changed, thanks to technology and customers now have access to all the information they need. Thus, the role of a salesperson in today’s business world is to advise customers who already have loads of information. Part of the sales profession evolution described in the video is in relation to educating salespeople. In the past, especially during the 19th century, salespeople did not have an education. Instead, they developed their skills and competencies through on-job training, as revealed in the video. However, things have since changed and currently, salespeople are undertaking college courses on sales and marketing as part of advancing the sales profession. Further, the video also reveals that in the past, sales work was a man’s job. However, more women, such as Katie and Amber, are now getting involved in the sales profession. This also shows how the profession has evolved over time.
The video also gives a brief history of some of the practices in the profession that are being used to date, thanks to John Henry Paterson. He invented the idea of celebrating and appreciating salespeople, a practice that is especially helpful in modern times because it motivates salespeople to do better at their work. It also shows how training of salespeople has been a practice that dates back to the 19th century. The video further reveals that John Henry is also responsible for encouraging salespeople to embrace a sharp image by way of their dress code. In addition, some of the techniques that salespeople have utilized, such as preparing for a sales pitch, can be traced back to John Henry, who encouraged his salespeople to write and memorize sales scripts.
The video further provides a description of how Americans are professionalizing sales. First, salespeople have since moved from a product-centered to a customer-centered approach. This involves building a relationship with the customers instead of focusing on just selling them the products. For instance, in the video, AMCOM sales manager reveals how he has created a relationship with the company’s clients through follow-ups. He also makes calls to clients without necessarily focusing on making a sale to them. Second, the video shows the process through which sales students go through so as to become professionals in their field of work. An example of sales and marketing students from Ohio University is given where students role-play so as to build on their sales skills. In addition, students have to go through internships which prepare them for their role in the business world. During the internships, they are given opportunities to conduct sales work so that once they complete their education they are ready for the real world. All these activities are assessed and students are given feedback so that they can improve on their weak areas and build on their strong areas.
The video reveals the value of the sales profession to the American economy. One, this profession creates employment opportunities for many people. It is evident, from the number of students enrolling for sales and marketing courses and the number of companies looking for salespeople, that the profession is quite marketable. Two, it gives Americans some sense of financial security not only because of employment but also because salespeople provide their firms with a continuous stream of revenue, as revealed in the video. Finally, salespeople put American products on the global map. It is through the work of salespeople that some of the biggest American companies have gained global recognition. All these contribute to the growth of the economy. The contributors in the video, who include experts, authors, and educators in the field, customers, and students in sales and marketing, reveal that the sales profession is like the backbone of the economy and as such, it is important to constantly improve the profession.
There are also several individual benefits of going into sales. It is evident that the profession is rewarding in the sense that it creates room for both career and financial growth, given that good salespeople make a lot of money. It also allows people to build their confidence and push forward to achieve their dream because a salesperson is given responsibility to take charge of their career. However, it is also a very challenging profession because it is viewed negatively by the public. In the video, a number of Americans reveal that they associate the profession with stubborn and annoying people. Thus, it is up to the salesperson to convince the public or a bu...
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