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Website Navigation and App Satisfaction: Letter to Mark Zuckerberg

Essay Instructions:


  • Upload the best draft of your Persuasive Letter & highlighted Research(in a single PDF file).
    • NOTE: If your source is a book or a paper larger than 4 pages, include only the title page, the page you cite as well as the preceding page for each page cited. For example, if your citation is on page 12, then you would include the title page, and both pages 11 & 12(with highlights).
  • You can create a single PDF by combining PDF files using an online tool, PDFSAM (Links to an external site.) or Adobe Acrobat.


  • Each student will be assigned and will receive 4 peer reviews after the submission window is closed.
  • You will have 2-days to complete your assigned peer-reviews.
  • Make sure your comments are "helpful," ie. a balance of positive & constructive (suggestions for improvements) feedback.
  • To complete the peer review, completely fill-out the Rubric for each student you are assigned. Be sure to answer each question.
    NOTE: If you accidentally submit a rubric & are unable to change the original, please select: NEW ASSESSMENT, and re-submit the peer review.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
[Your Physical Address]
Mark Zuckerberg
Facebook’s Chief Executive officer
Facebook Headquarters
1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park
CA 94025
Dear Mr. Zuckerberg,
Facebook is one of the largest social networking platforms with over 2.9 billion users. Indeed, its number of users is projected to increase in the future. Many people like Facebook since they can reach out to their friends and families, make new friends, and keep in touch with companies that provide them with different products and services. That is why Facebook should do everything to ensure that users can navigate its website easily and that they are satisfied with the app. In particular, adding a feature to allow Facebook users to save their favorite comments and ads would improve the app’s user-friendliness, create a personalized user experience and engagement, and help the company maximize its revenues.
Facebook users are likely to engage and participate more in the content or post created by others. In particular, engagement entails energizing users emotionally and cognitively to behave in positive ways when interacting with others. In some cases, Facebook users fail to engage in conversations with others since the app provides more content, and they lack enough time to read numerous comments or ads. In that light, they fail to engage with things that might interest them or see products and services that would meet their needs. Besides, individuals’ involvement in online conversations increases their motivation and arousal to participate by replying to comments and ads1. If Facebook allows users to save their favorite comments or ads, it would increase their likelihood to reply to comments and ads.[Di Gangi, Paul and Molly Wasko. Social Media Engagement Theory: Exploring the Influence of User Engagement on Social Media Usage. Journal of Organizational and End User Computing (JOEUC), vol. 28, no. 2, 2016, pp. 53-73.]
Specifically, adding the comment or ad saving feature would enable Facebook to promote the consumption of various products and services. Many companies prefer to use Facebook since it is one of the best apps for B2C-type of businesses. Sports teams post their matches and performance history on Facebook to increase viewers and ensure that their fans purchase tickets. Already, Facebook fosters user engagement by allowing individuals to filter their favorite content using the “EdgeRank” algorithm. Facebook can supplement the filtering of comments or ads by adding the saving feature. Users should be able to save their favorite filtered messages to allow people to know and revisit upcoming events.[Lund, Brady. Universities engaging social media users: An investigation of quantitat...
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